22 May 2024

Observations From the Week So Far

Hello there! Thank you for all of the kind comments about my Daisy Socks - I was also glad to know that other sock knitters agree that you don't always have to have a fancy pattern to enjoy knitting socks. 

The weather has been nice this week, though yesterday and it sounds like today will be a bit too hot for my liking. But it's not raining, which is a nice change. And since it is now officially Cats At the Garden Door Staring Intently Season, some members of the family are glad that the rain does not interfere with any outside activities. 

We had some excitement the other day. Pip, Alfie, and Esme were sitting at the door to the garden looking more intently than usual at something. So I had to take a look to see what I was missing.

We had a visitor! A very pretty kitty cat, who just stayed and hung out for about four hours. The most they would move would be to change position. Our cats were mesmerized, and surprisingly quiet about the whole thing. No yowling or growling or other weird noises they can make when seeing another cat from time to time. The kitty wasn't at all scared or bothered when I went to the door and was talking to them. When I texted this photo to The Tim, who was not at home, he texted back, "Oh no no no no no." 😂

I told the kitty if they needed us to come back, but so far there hasn't been a second appearance. I'm hoping that is because they belong somewhere and went home. But who knows?

You may recall that in past years, I've spent a LOT of time outside in the garden, cleaning it up and getting it ready for late spring/summer/early fall, so we can be out there comfortably. And it has always taken me several times working on it to get done, and every year I tell The Tim how it kills my back and my knees. 

Well, without me saying anything at all about getting the garden ready, he has gone out there three times already this year to work on cleaning up the garden. Which is fine with me, it's not like I have any ownership on that chore. As a matter of fact, I always wished I had some help. Anyway, things are just about finished, clean-up wise. I have always felt in the past that when I took so much time to do it, and commented about how physical it was, that The Tim felt that it was likely just me being my usual dramatic self. 

So yesterday, he informed me that he saw that Lowe's was having a sale on portable leaf blowers, and he was planning to order one. I said that was fine with me, but I was kind of surprised he was interested in one, and he said that he thought it might make keeping the garden cleaned up "a lot easier."

So ... I guess when he started working on it himself, he found out I wasn't necessarily being my usual dramatic self??  No comment. 😉

I have started two new knitting projects, and hope to start another one today. I cast on for another Anker's Summer Shirt the other day. Though the 1 x 1 ribbing kills me (not my fave thing), I understand the pattern much better now, and so it's going a lot more smoothly than it did with the first one I made. Plus, I realized that I wear my already-knitted one quite often and it's nice and comfortable, while also looking put together. I don't have much knit yet, but it's certainly moving along faster than my first one did!

And then yesterday I cast on for a pair of socks, and so far have knit one cuff. My plan today is to cast on for my Emotional Support Chicken, which I think will be a fun project to have on the needles.

And that's about it so far. I have a Dr appointment later this morning, and will work on some laundry, as well as some other things I would like to finish before we head to West Virginia. Tomorrow I left as kind of open, to see what I might absolutely have to do still, but also to be able to take my time getting organized for our trip.

I hope your week is going well, and that you are getting some sunshine instead of rain or hail or other drastic weather I've been hearing about. Take care!


Kim in Oregon said...

How nice to have a visitor cat! From the p hoto, it looks like a well cared for cat so maybe it was just doing a walkabout and seeing what other cats were available to stare at. Four hours is a long time for kitty contemplation though!

Araignee said...

Any job is easier when there are two of you doing it, even if it's just for the company. My Mister can't do anything by himself it seems. I know better than to get involved in something fun when he's doing something not fun because I will be interrupted over and over to lend a hand. He's out mowing now so I'm betting it won't be long before he comes in needing me to do something outside.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Every time we get a cat in our yard (which is often) the first thing Dave says is "don't even think about it".
And if Lemmy spots it, he goes NUTS. He hates the neighbourhood cats - all of them!

KSD said...

I like the shirt! Good luck with it.

Tim's response made me laugh out loud!

Nance said...

Will it be a Free-Range Emotional Support Chicken? I certainly hope so.

Gardening/yard work is no joke. Especially spring and fall cleanups. I'm glad your husband took the initiative and found that out. I heartily agree with Araignee's first sentence. As the old saying goes, Many hands make light work.