15 May 2024

Wednesday FO: Mabel Sweater

Do you watch the show "Only Murders In The Building?" We love it. We have always been big Steve Martin and Martin Short fans, and Selena Gomez has now also become a fave of ours based on this show.

Anyway, her character is named Mabel, and in Season 1, she wore a light blue, bulky, funnel neck sweater in one episode that just caught my eye and I wanted to make one just like it. So off to Ravelry, where I did a lot of searching with various filters, keywords, etc. I couldn't find anything that looked just like - or even enough like - the sweater to suit me. But I found a pattern that I liked that used bulky yarn, so I decided to knit that and it would be sort of *my* version of Mabel's sweater.

Project: Mabel Sweater
Pattern: Cozier, by Tanis Lavallee
Yarn: Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Superwash Bulky, in the colorway Fjord Heather
Needles: US size 10/6mm; and, US size 11/8mm
Modifications: I opted for a length in between the cropped version and the longer version (something like Mabel's sweater looked to me). I also didn't knit a turtleneck, but didn't quite create a funnel neck either. Which is fine, it's for me.
Notes: First off, I have to say that this is not my best work. There are a lot of flaws, but 1) I was making it as kind of a throw-on cozy sweater for around the house so no big deal there; and, 2) I had a hard time with the large needles - first off, I'm not used to needles that big, and second of all, I couldn't knit for very long at any one time before my hand would be killing me. So even though people say things like, "Oh using bulky yarn means it knits up SO fast," for me that wasn't the case. 

So although I am happy enough with the finished sweater, I'm mostly just glad it's done and over with. It looks fine for an around-the-house sweater, and it will be nice and warm and cozy. But unless it's some small thing like a hat or mittens or something like that, I'm done using bulky yarn and big needles. I just didn't enjoy the process, which for me is just as important as the result.

The pattern is very well-written, and I kinda sorta wish I could make one similar to the striped one shown in the pattern. But I'll just have to make a colorful striped sweater using a different pattern and smaller yarn somewhere down the road.

The photo above shows the actual color of the sweater much better. I do like the color (I guess that's why most of wardrobe is blue? LOL), and it's nice and soft. And since it's super wash, I won't have to baby it, which is nice.

So in closing, I can recommend the pattern and the yarn if you enjoy making bulky weight items. And I am happy enough with the final sweater. And putting a completely positive spin on the whole thing, I guess it was a learning experience for me regarding bulky knits.

Needless to say, your mileage may vary, as the saying goes.

I also have a finished pair of socks to share with you, but that's another post. So stay tuned!


Wanderingcatstudio said...

Looks like a great sweater to me!

karen said...

I love the show and I know who Mabel is and I love your sweater!

Kim in Oregon said...

I think it looks great! I love OMITB and really like a lot of what SG wears (some has it scratching my head though!)

Araignee said...

That's a very practical sweater. I can see getting a lot of use out of it. I love character knitting. I saw a scarf being worn on The Gilmore Girls and had to have a version of it. It was so much fun seeing it come to life. I'm no fan of big needles and bulky either. I don't even enjoy worsted that much anymore tbh.
I had a big crush on Steve Martin back in the day. I don't have Hulu so I haven't seen the show but I'm tempted to subscribe just to see it.

Kym said...

We're Murder In the Building fans, too -- and I'm always on the lookout for Mabel's latest sweater! Your Mabel-sweater looks wonderful, Bridget. You did a terrific job! I love the color - but I'm also not a fan of bulky weight knitting. It's fast. But not terribly relaxing to do. Nicely done!

KSD said...

The same with me and bulky; why is that?