09 July 2024

My Mom Was Right


This was one of her favorite expressions - who knew it was actually in the Oxford English Dictionary??

Stay cool, friends!


Araignee said...

It certainly is. I am so over it.

Kim in Oregon said...


KSD said...


Kym said...

Oh, I love it! I have never heard that phrase before -- but it's just perfect! Stay cool, Bridget. (Me? I need to build an ark this summer . . . )

karen said...

A saying I have never heard!

Nance said...

I'd never heard of this phrase before! But no matter how you describe it, it's beastly outside. UGH

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Lol... my family was a little more crude...

It's always "It's as hot as balls out there!"

Or my favourite - "It's colder than a witch's tit!" That was a fave saying of my grandpa!

Hope you're keeping cool!