Hello! Before I write any more, I wanted to thank everyone who sent birthday wishes to Milo the Koodle. It was truly lovely, and I think he had as good of a birthday as he could without his bestie, Pip. But we did our best, and he liked the treats and the playing and the extra attention, and really what else can you ask for, whether or not you are a cat??
The other day, I was remembering when I started this blog. One of the things that was really popular - because blogs were "social media" then - was people thinking of Q&As, answering for themselves and then tagging other bloggers to do the same. It was kinda fun, and you could learn something about people that they might not otherwise have a reason to ever tell you.
So I decided to give one of them a try today. The difference is, I'm not tagging anyone else to do the same. You are more than welcome to if you like, but when I know when I am tagged for anything, I feel obliged to at least consider whether or not I want to "play along" and frankly 99% of the time, I just can't be bothered. So whenever I do one of these posts, if you feel inclined or inspired to also do one, go for it. But trust me, I'm not going to pressure you!
Today we are revisiting:
Ten Things About Me That You May Not Know
1. I did not graduate from high school.
2. I have both a bachelor's degree and a master's degree.
3. I went with my mother and my sisters went to the 1964 World's Fair in New York. My father was there for this work, and so it was our "vacation." The *only* line my mother was willing to wait in was for the Vatican Pavilion. Otherwise, we saw exhibits with either short lines or small ones. You know, like the Bulgarian Pavilion ... We were allowed to get one souvenir each. I opted for a hat with my name embroidered on it. But the guy misheard me, so I ended up with a souvenir that said "Richard" on it.
4. I was born in Wheeling, West Virginia, but have lived in many many places, both as a kid and as an adult. I have lived in Philadelphia for longer than anywhere else, and the house where we live is also the longest I've lived on one house during my life.
5. I was named for my great-grandmother. If I had been a boy, my name would have been Jeremiah Patrick, after my great-grandfather.
6. The first place I clearly remember living was at 162 Park Avenue. Teaneck, New Jersey.
7.While we lived there, my father brought home my first pet, an white angora kitten he found at his work. I named her Frosty Fitzgerald Arthur (we didn't know at first if she was a boy or a girl, hence "Frosty"; JFK had been elected President, leading to the "Fitzgerald"). She lived to be 18 years old, and her favorite person was always my father; she died about a year after he did.
8. I have only been to a kids-type camp once in my life. It was Girl Scout camp, and a) I hated it, and b) I left early because my hand caught on fire at the camp fire when the girl sitting next to me failed to watch where she was aiming the stick with her s'more on it when she took it out of the fire.
9. I have a fake belly button.
10. I have survived three types of cancer: breast, ovarian, and kidney.
So there you go. The sad thing is, while writing this, I thought of at least five or six additional things, and I'm sure if I went ahead and decided to include those, I'd think of even more! Which is why you're still getting TEN things, no more than that! 😊
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