I spent the last week carefully and dutifully taking out, stitch by stitch, the messed up border of my Park Slope Blackbird (aka Multnomah Shawl). Finally, on Saturday afternoon, I got it to the point where you finish the main knitting, and the next row will be the beginning of the border. I was so pleased with myself! I did manage to accomplish that, and then I put it aside. Because I knew if I started over again right away, I'd be likely to mess it up again.
Yesterday afternoon, I thought I'd give a try to starting the border again. I messed up the beginning of the first row, so I took out those stitches, and read through the directions again. I'd made a stupid mistake, and even better, realized what it was, so I started over, and by the time 45 minutes or so had passed, I'd managed the first repeat of the border (4 rows). There were a few more stops and starts, but finally I "got" it. Hooray! So I thought to myself, "I'll put this away, and do another group of four rows in another day or so. I don't want to mess it up now that I finally got it right."
You can probably guess where this is going. The Tim had to work the closing shift last night, so after I ate some dinner, I thought, "What the heck, I'll do another four rows." And then I REALLY SCREWED THINGS UP. I thought I could only rip back the latest four rows, but I kept dropping stitches, and ended up frogging all 8 rows.
A) Why do I keep doing this to myself???
B) Why is it that anytime even the least amount of lace is involved, I have problems? Trust me, I never try complicated lace - it's always just some yarnovers in one row at a time, but every time I am unable to figure it out.
Tonight while I was waiting for The Tim to be ready for dinner, I tried again to knit the first four rows of the border. I got it to work, though I can't swear it's actually correct - that remains to be seen as I continue. But I am NOT touching it again until TOMORROW at the earliest. For real. Honest.
Because I do not wanna have to spend the evening ripping back again! Instead, I'll work on sock #2 of my Hermione's Socks. I finished the first one late last week, and cast on the second one Saturday night. I have the cuff done, and will start on the leg tonight.
Honest. That's the truth.
The weekend otherwise was a nice one. We went out to breakfast at a local diner on Saturday morning. It's a "real" diner, where the waitresses call you Honey, Sweetheart, Doll Baby, etc. This amuses me greatly, since I'm sure I get called that more by the waitresses in one visit than I ever did by my own mother during my entire life! I also went to the eyeglass place near us, where they were having a 50% off sale on all their frames, and picked out new glasses for my new prescription.
And well, other than messing up a lot of knitting yesterday, I managed to clear out some clutter and get it organized to put out for recycling pickup today. I also wrote another one of my February letters and got it ready to mail today. So other than my knitting fiasco, it was a good day.
I had planned to watch at least some of the Oscars (I never make it to the end. It's too late, and even if I could stay up, I'd have a hard time getting up for work the next day!), but due to actual technical difficulties with our television, I had to miss them. We haven't seen any of the movies yet, but I enjoy seeing what people are wearing and snarking, so I did miss that. But it sounds like an awful lot happened, huh? Oh well I would have already been in bed and missed it anyway.
Here is a picture of some crocuses that started budding/blooming already in the planter in front of our house. I guess they think it's spring already. They aren't looking as happy today, since we had a big storm on Saturday evening (I took this photo that morning). We have lots of other shoots for crocuses and daffodils coming up, and I'm worried they won't survive, as there is still time to have a freeze or long cold snap. Not that I can do anything about it. So I decided to enjoy these while I could. :-)
Here's to a good week for all of us!