12 June 2020

Five Favorites for This Friday

First of all, thank you so much for your kind comments yesterday.  I appreciate that you agree that I should do my thing even if others somehow find it offensive.  I was also reminded of something my mother used to tell us - if someone makes a point to tell you how good/smart/wonderful/whatever they are, and you are not, they are the ones with the problem.  I appreciate that being brought back to the front of my brain.

It's been a long time since I've done this kind of post (according to imprecise search skills, the last was December 2019) so let's give it a try.  Here are five things from the last week that pleased me.

1.  The grill we ordered for cooking outside in the garden arrived, AND the weather is nice today and is supposed to be nice through the weekend.  That means we can try it out sooner rather than later. 

2.  I get true amusement out of people who try to deliver a burning insult, but it fails for one reason or another.   Case in point: One of the people who left a rude comment told me that my blog posts about knitting and recipes proved I was "retarted."  OK, I must admit that it took me way too long to figure out what they meant to say, but nonetheless.  I was tempted to write back and tell them that I thought they were "a looser," but figured it would be lost on them.

3.  This amuses me every single time I see it.

4.  Yesterday on the deck, we noticed that our friend the Sunbathing Blue Jay had returned.  OK, it's probably not the same bird over all of these years, but every summer, we notice a blue jay on our deck in the hot sun, lying on its side, with one wing extended.  And every year the first time we see it, we think that there is a dead blue jay on the deck.  Then we move or make a noise and it stands up, ruffles its feathers and flies away.  That in and of itself is amusing, but the funniest thing is how it drives the cats NUTS.  They sit there, tensed and staring at it through the screen, like they have some great plan.  Then when the bird stands up, they almost have a heart attack.

5.  We re-watched "Waiting for Guffman" this week, and OMG I love that movie!  It's so ridiculous, and some of the lines - and the delivery - are hilarious.  I think we all know someone who is just like at least a couple of the characters.

What about you?  Have you had anything make you happy, or smile, or laugh this week?  Let me know in the comments.

And have a good weekend!


Nance said...

I have NEVER seen a bluejay (my favourite bird) do that! Or any bird. How odd.

Rick and I are watching the last season of "Baskets" on Hulu, and Louie Anderson plays a woman (based on his mother). He is too funny and incredibly natural. He doesn't change his voice at all.

I like "Waiting for Guffman", but nothing beats "Best in Show" for me. That movie cracks me up all the time.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Dee said...

Happy grilling! Looks like it is going to be the perfect weekend for it.

Thinking about re-tarted. I think I would like that. Have a tart. Eat the tart. Get retarted!

Anonymous said...

Your post made me happy! I smiled and enjoyed the entire content! LynnIL

KSD said...

Oft-repeated in this household is the fact that Corky has "Remains of the Day" lunchboxes. One of the most brilliantly funny concepts maybe ever.

Sybil J. said...

Nothing funny could top your post today. I laughed until I cried, this entire post was too funny. I read your post everyday I just don't comment. Keep doing what you are doing don't let negative comments stop you.

Araignee said...

Wow....your haters are really in a category all to themselves. I have no idea why anyone would go to all the trouble to leave a comment that's intended to make someone feel bad. I do it all the time on Twitter where I think it's fair game but on blogs....never.
I have never seen a Bleue Jay do that but I do now have a big ugly turkey vulture that knocks on the door everyday for a plate of food. I really think it's a sign. The end is near. Lol...

Shirley said...

I must admit that I almost spewed coffee on my computer screen when I read the "retarted" comment. Since I have missed a few days of blog reading, I will have to check out your other posts. However, I enjoy your recipes and whatever you choose to write. Also, I was told as a child, "If you can't say anything good, don't say anything at all." I still remind myself of that often. Happy Friday. Hope you have a wonderful weekend using your new grill.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Hmmm - we get blue jays... but they never sunbathe! That's pretty cool.

Alison said...

Yesterday I sat and hand quilted on my applique quilt for a lot of hours. It is winter here in NZ and the day was dull. But what made me smile even wider was that at long last I didn't feel one second of guilt - even when the light hit the coffee table and I noticed the dust! Happy dance!

Mereknits said...

It took me a second to think of what that person was trying to say, really why would anyone even intend to say something like that on your blog? Love the Fast, Faster, Fascist. Stay safe and enjoy your grill.

AsKatKnits said...

The Fascist provided more fodder this weekend... apparently walking and drinking are challenging things. Who knew? LOL

Kym said...

We LOVE Waiting for Guffman. Such a GREAT movie. XO

Meredith MC said...

Okay, I’ve never seen that movie but it’s going on the list. Are you sure it’s not the same blue jay? That is odd behavior. Have you googled it?
I love the idea of the cats freaking out. Thank you for your blog- it’s fun to read.