19 September 2023

La Oveja

OK, so I know very little Spanish and had to look up the word for "sheep," but I wanted to introduce you to Esperanza:

Isn't she a cutie? She is from Spain, hence her name and the title of this post. One of my co-workers at the yarn store took a trip with one of her friends to Barcelona, Spain. And of course, she had to visit a yarn store there. She found a little set of stitch markers/progress keepers that were different little sheep, and bought them because there were just enough in the set for each of us to choose one. Isn't that a nice idea?

I chose Esperanza because I loved her black face, and the fact that her "fleece" looked like random swirly writing. And her name is one of my most favorite Spanish names, and I thought she would give me HOPE that my projects would be successfully completed. (See what I did there?) 😊 

In the photo above, she is helping me work on my DRK Everyday Sweater, which is still in the early stages of the yoke. But I am enjoying the knit, and she is making me smile, so it's a win-win.

Are there any little things making you smile these days? Let me know.


Araignee said...

What a sweet little sheep! Esperanza Rising is one of my favorite YA books.

Dee said...

Esperanza is adorable with her curly cursive fleece.

Kim in Oregon said...

Here's one thing I love--when you order a skein from an indy dyer and they include a cute little stitch marker in it. Many people who sell ephemera (stickers and such) on Etsy also tend to give you a little extra something when you buy something. That makes me a forever customer!

Wanderingcatstudio said...


My garden isn't little, but it makes me smile every day!

Alison said...

Our son lives mostly in Girona which is near Barcelona, consequently we have made the long light from the bottom of the world 3 times. There is something very appealing about Spanish design - Gaudi comes to mind. That little gift is a treasure to enjoy.

A friend did something nice for me, so I made and embroidered her a little lavender pouch, the delight on her face gave me a huge buzz and made me smile. As did our first yellow tulip opening up.

Life can be grim at times and feel overwhelming - and then a friend shows a wee video of her baby grand daughter giggling as only babies can. Everything else melts away.

KSD said...

Happy stitch markers make knitting even more satisfying.

Kym said...

What a charming and thoughtful gift! I'm with you -- Esperanza is my favorite Spanish name. It's lovely -- AND fun to say out loud.