11 September 2023

Moving Right Along

How was your weekend? Mine was good, though I did work both days. But weekend days are short days, so it was fine. And since the weather was miserable, I was just as happy to be doing that.

The Tim was apparently inspired to get some things done, so he returned a toilet he'd ordered from Home Depot that ended up being the wrong one to work with the plumbing in our old house, and then he ordered another one, since the one we need wasn't in stock. I'm glad I missed all of that, because frankly, helping to carry a HEAVY toilet down from the third floor to the first is not something that would have ended well, if I had been the designated helper. He got the next door neighbor to help, and said that with him helping, it was really no big deal. So both of us felt like we had a worthwhile weekend. 😊

I mentioned in my last post that some people were coming to fix our chimney. I was amazed at all they accomplished in what seemed like such a short amount of time! The best part is that they were really nice, and I wasn't nervous at all having them around. Granted, most of the time they were outside on the roof, but I had to leave the doors unlocked for them to get in and out of the house, and it didn't freak me out like I feared it would. It's funny, I'm not really fearful out and about anywhere, but I really hesitate when people have to come to the house. I guess it's because letting a stranger come in is just unnerving under the best circumstances. But all's well that ends well. Next up - a new roof!

My knitting is moving along pretty well too. By the end of last week, I'd finished the first half of a Musselburgh hat I'm knitting for a Christmas gift. I started adding the second yarn, as you can see below:

I enjoy making these in two different yarns, and the variations it means you can have when you wear it. Honestly, the most frustrating thing in the pattern as far as I'm concerned is the very beginning. Every time I start one, I think it may not even be worth it, but then I get to the part where you just knit around for a long time, and suddenly all is well ... 

I was surprised to realize that the September 11 attacks were 22 years ago. That seems so odd to me; admittedly, I don't feel like it was yesterday, but it just doesn't seem that it could be long ago enough for those born that year to be adults today. Time is just so weird. I know for anyone directly affected, it likely does feel like it was yesterday. I hope for all of them, they have been able to find a new normal that at least means that every single day isn't full of searing grief and sorrow.

I wish peace and comfort to all of you. Have a good week, and remember to let those important to you know that you care. 


Dee said...

Missing carrying a toilet down three floors would definitely be a win in my book.

I remember driving up to D.C. the year after the 9/11 attacks and from I-95 you could see the part of the Pentagon that had been destroyed. It was a shocking bolt of reality. My BIL and SIL worked in the Pentagon. Thankfully, they were safe.

A couple of years later we were driving up to Boston, again on I-95 and you pass right by a spot where you used to see the twin towers. It was surreal.

Araignee said...

We just did two bathrooms and I know just what you mean about heavy toilets. They weigh a ton.
The Mister and I were just talking about where we were when we heard about 9/11. It stays with you. What a moment in time.

Kym said...

Glad to hear you avoided being part of the toilet-hauling-team! ;-) And that your chimney work went smoothly, too. Love your Musselburgh hat, Bridget. You're so right -- the beginning of that pattern is such a booger. But then, suddenly, it's smooth sailing until the end! (It's such a great hat!) And it is hard to fathom that it's been 22 years since 9/11!

Kim in Oregon said...

I agree with your assessment of the 22 year thing--college seniors were either barely born or not born when 9/11 happened. I think those of us of a certain age remember exactly where we were when we found out about it. I think our generation is marked by the death of JFK (which I only vaguely remember), Elvis, John Lennon, and 9/11.

Alison said...

Moving right along…..we went to the zoo last week and had such a great time. I would recommend going for anyone, not just taking children. We both came away after 6 hours feeling so uplifted and happy.

Nance said...

Time is so elastic and odd for me, too. How can it be 22 years already? I'd never have guessed it was so long ago. It feels so recent to me still. Yet, compared to the timeline of United States history, it is of course very recent.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Wow. 22 years. It definitely doesn't feel that long!

love the new hat - that's going to be so toasty