20 November 2023

Just Like It Was Supposed To Be

Hello and Happy Monday of Thanksgiving week!  We are back from our overnight weekend trip to NYC to celebrate The Tim's birthday. Every single part of the weekend went well, and I think he had a great birthday.

We got up nice and early on Friday and headed to the train station for our trip. Both of us love taking the train, so that was as much part of the fun as anything. When we arrived, we went to our hotel first, to check in, even if our room wasn't ready yet. We took the time to sit and have a cup of coffee/tea, and take a little break before deciding on our plan of the day.

Our hotel (and a lot of the city) was already decked out for Christmastime.

We decided we wanted to check out the Morgan Library and Museum - someplace we've always wanted go, but hadn't visited yet. It was a short walk from our hotel, and since we lucked out all weekend with somewhat warm, sunny weather, it was really pleasant to walk around. 

The Morgan Library and Museun did not disappoint. The Tim took a lot of photos which I'll share whenever he sends some to me, but I was so astonished and amazed by the place and what we were seeing, it didn't even occur to me to take a picture. Amazing does not even begin to cover it. We were there for the bulk of the day there was just so much to see. If you have never visited, I highly recommend it.

We headed back to our hotel, enjoying the decorations and people-watching.

To quote The Tim: "Those are some big red balls." 

We had a lovely dinner and then walked around some more, taking a little stroll through Central Park before it got too late. I have to say, New York never disappoints - so many interesting things to see, even if they are let's say, not in the tour books! 😊

Saturday morning we had bagels for breakfast at a great deli, and then walked over to Rockefeller Center to watch people at the skating rink, and so that I could say hello the Empire State Building, my most favorite skyscraper, always.

And then, the reason for the trip:

We love this show, and have seen a couple of productions, but never seen it actually on Broadway.

It turned out that Josh Groban wasn't in the matinee that day, but his understudy was so good, I can only think the difference between the two is that I had never heard of the understudy before ...

Annaleigh Ashford was Mrs. Lovett, though, and she was fabulous, as expected. She really lived it up in the role!

We had really excellent seats, too!

After the show, we headed to the train station, but never fear, earlier in the day, we'd paid our regards to Broadway ... and George M. Cohan!

The train ride home was quiet and very pleasant, and we were home before we knew it, to a grand reception - and airing of grievances - by the kitties.

Sunday morning, I took the birthday boy out to breakfast at one of our favorite diners.

And then later we had some cheesecake slices from the diner with candles, "Happy Birthday" singing, and gifts. 

The entire weekend went even better than we could have expected. We were exhausted yesterday, since even though we love New York, it does wear us out. And when we came out of the train station on Saturday night, we said the same thing we always say after a trip there: "It's so quiet here!" 😀


Kym said...

What a FABULOUS adventure for you and The Birthday Boy! It sounds just perfect in every way, Bridget. (And Tim's right . . . those ARE big red balls!) XO

Nance said...

What a nice weekend, and it sounds like it was perfect all around for the both of you. Great photos.

I do hope the kitties have forgiven you by now. (I notice that you did not say you brought them anything from your trip. That's a demerit.)

Araignee said...

Now that's the way a birthday is supposed to be celebrated! I remember those big red balls. We have smaller balls here at the beach. I just discovered them at the end of the pier on Saturday. They put them in a different place every year.

Kim in Oregon said...

Sounds like a great birthday weekend! I'm so glad the show was great. And that NYC was all decorated for Christmas! How lucky!!!

I must say that our Tims could be cousins!

sprite said...

I'm glad The Tim had a good birthday and I hope he enjoys the socks. I saw Josh Groban in the role this summer, and while he was great, Annaleigh stole the show.

andrea said...

Happy Birthday to The Tim! What a great celebration. Fun fact - my mom worked at the Morgan Library before I was born (and before she moved over to be a curator at the Met). That place is such a great little gem!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Sounds like a wonderful trip! Happiest of birthdays to the Tim!

KSD said...

That is a Perfect Weekend.