23 February 2024

Rainy Day Friday

Hello from dreary Philadelphia. The rain is supposed to stop soon, and then it will just be a cold February day. But it's Friday, so that means that once he gets home from work tonight, The Tim can hang and relax with us all weekend, which is the best.

To give you an update, the dryer arrived safe and sound. Much later than expected, but as long as it got here in one piece, we didn't care! Right now, it's sitting in the basement waiting until an electrician can come and get the connection set up and then I have a lot of laundry to do. 😊 But I have to be honest here - I actually enjoy doing laundry. I think the idea that it goes in to the wash dirty, wrinkled, and sometimes smelly, and then comes out clean and fresh appeals to my orderly nature. Having said that, I am grateful that doing laundry is not my life's work, because I am sure that would be exhausting and to some degree demoralizing. I mean, I face the fact that people get clothes and such dirty once a week; if I had to face it every day, I think I would, shall we say, feel less kindly than I already do towards humans as a whole ...

I worked for a bit on my Alpine Bloom Hat yesterday, and thought I'd share an in-progress photo.

I'm pleased with it so far. I did notice one spot yesterday where I stitched using the wrong color. But it was a few rows back, so if it really sticks out when the whole thing is finished, I'll duplicate stitch over it. I'm enjoying the knitting, even though it's not something I can do while watching a tv show or a movie, since I have to concentrate on what I'm doing. I feel pretty certain that I'll finish this by spring. If it fits my big head, I'll wear it next winter; if not, I'll probably give it to my great-niece Penn next Christmas as a gift.


This weekend we have no specific plans, other than cleaning up things that we had to move out of the way to make room for the delivery guys to get through the door opening down to the basement. We live in a nineteenth-century row house, and to say that the doorways are not wide would be an understatement. So everything had to be moved out of the way and the door had to be removed. They made it with maybe an inch on each side - phew! 

I also want to pay some bills (well, I don't really *want* to, but there are consequences if you don't pay them, you know!), and I'm thinking it may be time to bake some brownies. We haven't had those for a long time and it would be nice to have some treats.

And that is about as exciting as it will get. Both of us are unreasonably tired due to who knows what, so I sincerely doubt anything much more elaborate or strenuous will be undertaken. Sometimes you just need a break from your exciting life, you know?

I hope all of you have a good weekend, doing what you like whenever you feel like doing it. We'll see what next week brings. In the meantime, thanks for reading and take care.


Araignee said...

Happy to hear that the dryer arrived safe and sound. I also love to do laundry. I can't fold worth beans though but The Mister can. He could make it his profession.
The hat is lovely. I am itching to get back to my Fair Isle sweater projects I have in time out. Until I finish those two gray blobs they will have to stay there because I know I'd never pick them up if I had a choice to make.

Kim in Oregon said...

Very excited about your dryer (I keep typing drier) and I am glad it got in the house!

Nance said...

Lovely hat. I really like the colours you chose.

I don't have a 19th century row house, but I do have a 1920s bungalow/Craftsman house, and the doorways are narrow. It's a huge pain to get anything in and out of them without removing doors or damaging the nice woodwork. I sympathize.

Cynthia said...

A new Dryer! What a big treat indeed! I am waiting for my fridge to die so I can get a new one....Hubby is waiting for the stove......I can't wait to see pics. ENjoy your weekend of downtime.....You deserve it.

Jill at emeraldcottage said...

your hat looks great, love the colours :)

KSD said...

I don't like having to do laundry, but I do like feeling and folding warm clean clothes. Once they're folded, putting them away is another story.

I've never attempted colorwork. Stripes are as adventurous as I will get.