31 May 2024

Five Favorites For This Friday

Hello and Happy Friday, and happy last day of May! I'm kind of sad to see May end, as it is one of my favorite months, usually because the weather is pleasant - not too hot for any length of time, with cool nights which means good sleeping. This May was rainier than usual, but I think around here at least, April was a LOT rainier, so I'll take it.

If you are a long-time reader here, you may recall that I used to do something fairly regularly called "Five Favorites For This Friday," which was a post that was a random collection of things that made me happy in the past week. I felt like doing one today, and I looked to see when the last one was.

Gulp. 2016.

Well, I'm bringing it back today, so here we go.

1. I apologize to anyone who already saw this on Instagram or Facebook - feel free to move to the second item on this list!

I took this photo on our way to West Virginia last week, because looking at the mountains covered with trees reminded me of something. When I was in fourth grade, my classroom had a view very similar to this one.

I used to look out and think how the trees resembled a tufted carpet. Then I imagined that God and our guardian angels walked along it unseen, making sure that we were OK. It was always a comforting thought. (I spent a lot of fourth grade looking out the window. We had moved in the middle of the school year, and I was way ahead in lessons, etc.)

2. I took this picture to post on  my friend Carol's Facebook page. Some of her family background is Polish, and I knew she in particular would appreciate this. On Saturday night, this was our dining venue. I didn't just like the sign, I liked the bonus statue of the Infant of Prague in the window. A perfect storm, you know.

For the record, the pierogies were wonderful. I wish I had more right now!

3. Guilty. All 34 counts. 

4. There's a little girl who lives down the street from us, who I used to see at least twice a week, taking a walk with her babysitter. She is a cutie, but has always been pretty shy if you said hello - you know, she would kind of give you a smile and then hide behind the babysitter. 

I saw them yesterday afternoon, and was surprised because she was so much bigger. And she has definitely gotten over being shy! I said hello and commented that it had been a while since I'd seen her, and she said, "I'm five now, and I had a birthday party last week!" I wished her a happy belated birthday, and she launched into a long, complicated story about something that happened at her birthday party which was probably not as complex to understand as it seemed. But the best part was at the end of the story, when she said, "So all in all, it was a fabulous and magnificent event!" 

We should all be so lucky, right? 😊

5. Yesterday I showed you the very beginning of my Emotional Support Chicken. I spent yesterday afternoon putting the two back wing sections together, and working on the next part. 

I'm having such a good time with this! I even tried crocheting the two back wing sections together (the red vertical line) and though it's not perfect, I'm happy with the result. I just thought that the crocheted seams that I had seen on other projects looked much more decorative, and wanted to try it.

So there you go. It was a decent week for the most part. 

Now it's on to June and the weekend. The only specific plans I have are to take some herb plants and put them into different pots, and getting The Tim to help me with potting some lavender plants in a large pot similar to ones that are holding some other plants that seem to be very happy. Other than that, I just have my usual little projects around the house, and seeing what I feel like doing. It will be nice to have a quiet weekend after traveling last weekend, and having a kind of iffy start to this week.

I hope you'll have a good one as well, and find some time to just do whatever will make you happy. Take care. 


Wanderingcatstudio said...

A very fun five!

I did my seam as a three-needle bind-off because I suck at crocheting! It turned out pretty good. I'm on the neck part now - hope to finish it tonight

KSD said...

Love it all. And you knew it was the Infant of Prague without even looking it up, didn't you? That's so you.

Araignee said...

I love pierogies. I used to make them every Thanksgiving from Martha Stewart's mom's recipe. They were delicious.
Your chicken is fascinating me. I've seen so many YouTube knitters showing theirs off and now I know how they come together. I was wondering.

Nance said...

Oh, pierogies. They were a staple during Lent in my childhood. We got them from the Russian Orthodox church several blocks away, and they were the absolute best.

My lavender is going crazy this year, and I'm so happy about it. I hope yours does wonderfully, too. Isn't it nice to have lavender around?

Kim in Oregon said...

So excited about #3. Tim was working downstairs and I kept texting him each guilty verdict as they were being read out!

We had a delightful little girl like that when we lived in Eugene. She would tell me about her entire day and then--ask about mine! I'm so unused to children being non-self-centered. Glad you ran into her again!

Marsha Banks said...

Long time lurker, first time commenting! Yay for 34 counts…if only it meant he couldn’t run. I spent lots of time looking out the window when I was in fourth grade, too. I was the teacher, so I think it was ok! I can’t wait to see your emotional support chicken…no idea what that is, but I’m sure it’s going to be fun! And, another yay for 34 counts!


Kym said...

I am so happy to read your Five Favorite things! I think it's a marvelous way to end each week, and I'll be looking forward to seeing your weekly favorites, Bridget. All GREAT things. (Especially those 34 guilty verdicts!) I'm going to be thinking about the "fabulous and magnificent" birthday event all day . . .