20 May 2024

Monday FO: Daisy Socks

Hello! Well of course I am shocked to learn that for those of us in the U.S., the upcoming weekend will be Memorial Day. I'm still somewhere at the beginning of May, to be honest. I mean, I do realize the holiday is coming, because we are planning to go to Almost Heaven West Virginia for the weekend, and I had to arrange for the kitties to be cared for, but it still seems like there should be more time until it all happens.

Both The Tim and I are off work this week, which is nice. Not that we have any specific plans - but we have some projects around the house and garden, and it's nice to just have time to do things when you feel like doing them.

OK, now the real reason for this post - I have another FO to show you. They have been finished for a week or so, but it took me a while to find a day when it wasn't raining and/or cloudy to get a decent photo. Here are my Daisy Socks.

Project: Daisy Socks
Pattern: Plain vanilla sock pattern in my brain
Yarn: Timber Farms Twin Sock, in the Daisy colorway
Needles: US size 0/2.0 mm
Notes: I bought this yarn along with another one a couple of years ago, and finally got around to knitting with it. I love both the name and the colors, and decided that it would be a perfect springtime knit. 

These are just a plain sock, with 2 x 2 ribbing at the cuff, and a heel and gusset construction, using the pattern I learned to knit socks with, which is now in my brain. I thought about using some kind of pattern but decided that the stripes should just be stripe-y, and I'm glad I did. I'm very happy with them. 

Whenever people say they will never knit the same pattern again, I think they must not be sock knitters. Because most sock knitters I know try different things with their socks, but have a go-to, plain pattern that they use more often than not. I enjoy trying different sock, but sometimes knitting a sock is more of a comfort thing, so I just go for what I can already do without worrying about counting, etc.

And now - other than some ongoing projects (for example, my Cozy Memories Blanket), I do not have anything officially on the needles! That will however change starting today, as I have the yarn, needles, project bags, etc. ready for my next three projects, plus I want to organize things to start a summertime needlework project. So do not fear, I'm not project-less for long!

Hopefully this week will be good for all of us. Take care, and I'll let you know what gets underway when.


Araignee said...

Lovely socks! I have my go to sock pattern memorized because for me sock knitting is like meditation. I don't want to think about it. I just want to do it.

Kim in Oregon said...

Yes on the sock knitting. Sock knitting is generally my 'comfort knitting'--no stress, no hard stitches, no thinking, just knitting.

KSD said...

I just cast on a go-to pair of socks. You are right.

Nance said...

I share your shock and awe that this weekend is Memorial Day. I have no idea how this can be true. Still trying to find April--what did I do with those days and why can't I remember them? It's a little scary.

Your socks are so cute and cheery. Well done!

Kym said...

What lovely socks! And I love a good go-to pattern . . . of any type (socks, sweaters, hats, whatever). I, too, am amazed that the end of the month - and Memorial Day - is at our doorstep. Time FLIES!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Those are very cheerful stripes!

Helen Mathey-Horn said...

I know what you mean by having a sock pattern that you just kind of 'default' to using. I may add a row of picots or purls or a strand of a different color just to mix things up, but mostly let's stick to something that my brain does not have to work on (except counting out the stitches to put on a separate needle to do start the heel, lol). I'll measure the length of the foot against the length of my hand or another sock that is handy. Knitting the sock in a variegated yarn will add enough interest to keep me going. :)