05 September 2018

I Can't Wait to Not Feel Sweaty

I'm serious.  I can't remember the last time I went for more than one or two days without feeling sweaty, and unless it's because of some huge physical effort or having been working out, I'm not a fan.  I keep telling myself that it will all be well in a few weeks, but a) there is not guarantee of that, and b) it's hard to live in the moment when you are a sweatball.  

In any event, regardless of how I am feeling about things, it's time for Unraveled Wednesdays.  Knitting-wise, I finished a pair of gift socks (FO post soon!), and just started another pair on Labor Day.  They are just plain vanilla socks, and so far I have the cuffs done.  No picture because I forgot to take one, but just imagine a 2 x 2 rib on a cuff, and you're there.

Reading-wise, I just finished Fascism by Madeleine Albright, which was really excellent if frightening.  (Sidebar: Did you know that as Mussolini rose to power, one of his slogans was that he was going to "drain the swamp?"  That seriously made the hair on my neck rise.)  Today I brought a library book with me to start on my lunch hour.

It has been on my to-read shelf, and I hope I will like it as much as I have liked other books of hers that I have read. I'll let you know.

On a more serious note, The Tim and I rewatched "Testament," a movie originally made for American Playhouse that then was released into theaters because it was so amazing.  The Tim had seen a reference to it in an article, and we decided to see if it stood the test of time.  It was originally released in 1983, so would it mean as much 35 years later?  I have to say that, putting aside all things that were out of date (no one had a cell phone - refreshing!), it was still as powerful, sad, and wonderful as the first time we saw it.  Maybe if you had not seen it originally, it would not have the impact it does, but I think the saddest thing about it is that in 35 years, we have apparently not learned anything.  And frankly, I'm not convinced that people today would react in the supportive way from the get-go that the people in the movie did.  Plus, there would be so much whining in this day and age, I'm sure I'd snap right away.  If you have never seen it, you may want to track it down, it is most excellent.

And that's it for today.  I hope anyone in the heat zone has been able to keep cool!


AsKatKnits said...

I am also so over this ungodly heat and humidity! Yours is the second blog this morning that mentioned The Ninth Hour... it has been requested from the library! Thank you!

Stay cool! I think we are supposed to get a break from this heat this weekend!

Juliann in WA said...

I’m with you on the heat. I really want to wear a sweater!

Araignee said...

This heat is killing me. I feel so sorry for all those kids going back to school this week here. Just waiting at the bus stop must be miserable.

Anonymous said...

They say tomorrow ---- tomorrow will be cooler!!!!

Nance said...

Ditto on the heat/humidity thing. OVER. IT. And sick of everyone who says, "But you'll wish it all was back when you're freezing in January." Um...NO.

I am so damn crabby.

sprite said...

I went to an anti-Kavanaugh rally at the Capitol last night. I didn't get there until 6:30 and it was in the shade, but sweat was literally running down me, from my face to my legs. So disgusting. (And the heat was pretty bad, too.)

Jane said...

Lots of humidity and warmth with six inches of rain since Saturday and rain in the forecast all week. Mother Nature is not happy. The humidity is a killer after awhile. I read The Ninth Hour by McDermott and thought it was well written. I couldn't decide what I thought about the story. I'll be anxious to hear your thoughts. I had to smile when you wrote you are tired of being sweaty. I often think the same thing by the time summer comes to an end.

Bonny said...

Truer words were never spoken. I am counting down the days to a cooler and less sweaty Friday/Saturday.

Vera said...

Yup, the heat is nasty for sure. Even early in the morning. But, Saturday is looking to be perfect to meet up in NJ for sheep and yarn!

elns said...

I sweat so easily I'm embarrassed by it. I like when everyone else is sweaty in exercise class so then I don't feel so odd and alone.

We are in gray days here. It's not cold perse but it's not summer weather. I'm fine with it. I almost need more than a cardigan today.

I love when you book review. I have book and knit intentions that I always switch at the last minute. I think my to do piles may never shrink ;)

Kym said...

I really liked The Ninth Hour. Hope you do, too! (And YES. I'm so over the humidity right now. I can deal with the heat -- but the humidity is just oppressively draining. . . ) XO