10 January 2019

Those Kids Need to Get Off My Lawn

I started today in a good mood, honest.  Hamlet and I had a nice early morning walk, the kitties were cuddly before I left for work, and I fixed myself a nice cup of tea once I got here.  

Now it's lunchtime, and stabbiness has taken over.  I just realized that three things happened leading to the stabbiness, so I am sharing them with you for Three on Thursday, aren't you glad???

Event the First:  One of my co-workers eats at her desk all of the time, even though we are not supposed to do that.  It's annoying mainly because of the food smells when you are trying to work.  This morning she arrived and found evidence of a mouse having been in her desk.  She called the maitenance dept and they were out of snap traps, so put down a glue trap.  A mouse was almost immediately caught, and the poor creature was so distraught it broke my heart, and still makes me feel terrible to think what happened to it.  Then said co-worker cleaned out her desk drawers and HOLY CRAP she had a small grocery store snack aisle in there!

Stabbiness Level:  Blood Red

Event the Second:  One of our co-workers is out this entire week at a workshop.  She has several volunteers who come in, and she told them to come in anyway, because her assistant would set them up to work, etc.  Today's volunteer starts at 10 a.m. and showed up about ten minutes ahead of time, and of course the assistant had not even gotten to work yet (long story, we're not even going there).  I tried to help the volunteer, but couldn't really do much.  The assistant finally showed up about 10:10, and got the volunteer settled.  Then he came back into our office and was annoyed because she "showed up early."  It took every fiber in my being not to say that she probably showed up early because a) she takes public transportation, and b) she probably didn't want to be late.  And that maybe he should have made an effort to show up early ...

Stabbiness Level:  ____ Brown

Event the Third:  I started to watch a knitting podcast at lunchtime, and about five minutes in, the person's phone rang, and she stopped and said, "I just got a text - let me see what it's about."  She checked the text, typed out a response and then picked up again with what she had been saying.  If you know you are going to be recording, and you forgot to turn off your phone (which, I'm sorry come on), and you get a text/call/whatever, wouldn't you say "Excuse me" turn the phone off, and then continue??  Let's face it, if you are waiting for a text saying the brain transplant surgery was a success, maybe you shouldn't have started recording.

Stabbiness Level:  Annoyed Orange

And now that I have dragged you down with me, I wish you a good day and hope your day is going better and will continue to go better than mine has!  :-)


Tired Teacher said...

Those three things would have bothered me, too. I hope your day gets better.

Patty said...

People. They can do so much to ruin our day! :-)

Kim in Oregon said...

All those things would annoy me, but the mouse thing would get me to work from home.

AsKatKnits said...

I hope the Stabby Levels are reduced dramatically with your departure from work! And, yes... I'd have been stabby too!!

kathy b said...

Its ok to vent! Nothing much is bothering me today. Grateful! And I dont count the cat vomit.

Jeannie Gray Knits said...

#3 would have annoyed me the most. In fact, I probably would have turned it off at that point. I signed up for some kind of free multi-course/day video seminar and half way through day 1, the lady starts playing with her baby & talking about it .... and I got so bored/frustrated I turned it off & didn't watch any of the next 4 seminars. The kid was cute & all, but that wasn't what I'd signed up for or how I wanted to spend my time.
I think I might be a little bit stabby every day. :)

Wanderingcatstudio said...

It always amazes me how many people don't understand the correlation between leaving food around and getting rodents... our complex has had quite a few complaints about mice etc (we don't have a problem because a) we keep things clean, and b)cats!).
I've got one neighbour that always jokes they'd like to borrow my cats for a while because they can't seem to get rid of the mice, but their kitchen/house is a disaster - they are creating the perfect mousey heaven!

elns said...

Phone etiquette or the lack of it makes me bonkers. Bonkers I tell you. I don't work in a public area but the number of people on their phone in bathrooms is just weird and gross to me. I like to flush excessively because I'm petty like that.

Araignee said...

Oh, wow. All three are very familiar issues but the first. Yikes.

Kym said...

I hope that your mood improved slightly after sharing your stabby-stories! (It ususally helps me. . . ) The mouse incident would have ruined my day completely, but the phone story is beyond the pale. . .
I hope today is less stabby.

Vera said...

Hoping there were no more stabby events in your day! People are rude/ignorant/unkind/etc.

Meredith said...

I love reality posts, I was so annoyed by something last night at a neighbor's party. Seriously I felt like a 6th grader but still it is still with me making me all crabby.