01 March 2022

March? Yes, March!

This is ridiculous, but it still made me laugh out loud:

And then on Friday, we will be told to March Fo[u]rth! 😂

"Orders" aside, it is the first day of March, and therefore, the start of one of my most favorite months of the year.  Just off the top of my head, we have:

Milo the Koodle's birthday
My birthday
St. Patrick's Day
St. Joseph's Day (which  means - ZEPPOLES!)
First day of spring
Two other family birthdays

As well as the Ides of March, but I'm not really sure that's a celebratory day (unless maybe something would happen to a sworn enemy and it just so happened on that day, but really what are the chances??).

It would be nice if some other things I wish would happen would decide to show up in March, but at least I have enough already to keep me going.

It would also be nice if during this month (hopefully sooner rather than later), Ukraine would be left to be the independent nation it is and should be.

I hope all of you have a good month, whether or not anything extra is happening.


kayT asked in the comments of my post about what I learned in February, what I thought the definition was of a "foundling."  I always thought a foundling was a child "found"  - on the doorstep of somewhere, like a house or an orphanage, and/or was either abandoned or an orphan in the first place.  In the book I recently read, the Foundling Hospital in London was for illegitimate children whose parents wanted to avoid the shame. There was even an application process to be accepted, and those who were not accepted ended up most of the time living on the streets, or dying when abandoned as babies.  If they were accepted, the parent(s) had an appointment for when to drop off the child, and they signed papers, and received a "receipt."  So although that may not have survived as the overall definition of the word, that was the original concept for the Foundling Hospital.


So there you go.  Enjoy your day, and remember - March First! 😂😂


Nance said...

I hope March lives up to your excitement of it. I'm just glad to see the end of February.

We also Spring Forth in March, Bridget, and gain an extra hour of daylight. Hooray!

Kim in Oregon said...

March has never been a favorite of mine---but that is mostly to do with academic calendars and not all the fun things you mention! Please email me your snail mail address (again) please!

Dee said...

That joke is particularly funny in our house as it IS Steve's birthday.

Hope it is a good month for all of us.

kayT said...

Thanks for the explanation about foundlings, even though it's a pretty sad story.

Araignee said...

March first....lol. I was never very fond of the month of March when I was teaching. There are no days off or holidays and the weather is usually awful with no snow days to look forward to. It's just a teacher and a bunch of kids hating on each other for 30 days. Now that I am retired I love March. It means spring. I never had time to notice before.

Kym said...

I'm also a March fan (my birthday is at the very tail end, so something to look forward to, for sure). The weather is usually still mostly-winter, but there is a definite change in the air. And I'll take it! Happy March, Bridget! XO

KSD said...

Shari, born on a February 29th, celebrates her non-Leap-Year birthdays on March 1st. I've got to send this to her.

Caffeine Girl said...

March sounds like a good month for you. And we all need something good at the tail end of winter.
I love the meme, but I had to read it 3 times before I got it!