17 April 2023

It's Been a While, So ...


Let's do this again! It appears that the last time I did an "Ask Me Anything" post was this one in 2021. I do know that it was fun to see the questions, and even more fun coming up with the answers, so after about two years, let's see what comes up this time.

Leave your questions for me in the comments of today's post only, and I'll post my answers next Monday, April 24 in a post. You can - as shown above - ask me anything you like, but I do reserve the right to not answer anything too terribly personal or that I think is inappropriate. (Unless I'm in a mood, in which case I may give an answer that you may not wish to see.) It can be any topic, even if you think it's way out there and I've never talked about it at all. 

As I tell people when they come into the yarn store and say, "I have a stupid question" - "Well then, I'll do my best to give you as stupid answer. 😉"

So start asking!


The weekend was a nice one. As it turned out, it didn't rain too much at all, and was a beautiful Saturday. We took care of our errands in the morning, and then spent the rest of the day poking around doing whatever, watching a basketball game, and it was lovely. Yesterday was a busy one at the yarn store, and just a nice day all the way around.

A young woman came to Knitting Circle yesterday, who had been in the shop before Christmas buying mohair yarn for a vest she wanted to make. She had found a design of a country cottage in a landscape, and wanted to knit it into a vest. Now first of all, I found this to be ambitious, and wanting to do it in mohair even more so. Fast forward to yesterday, and she showed up to Knitting Circle to finish knitting the v-neck - and oh wow, you should have seen the amazing job that she did! I wish I'd thought to take a photo, but trust me when I say it was ridiculously good. She said she started it after Christmas, and was just now finishing it, and that the only hard thing that she discovered was knitting intarsia in the round. 

It always astounds me when people decide they want to try something and then the result is *exactly* that. One of the other people asked her how she did it, and she said in the most casual tone possible, "Oh I took the design and just plugged it into Excel, and went from there."

Which I almost didn't hear because anytime anyone mentions Excel, I feel faint.

But anyway, people are so creative, and it never ceases to be something that I can appreciate, even if it's not something I care to do myself.

So that's that. I hope your week goes well, and remember, if you have something you have been dying to ask me, go for it, and I'll post the answer next Monday. 😃


Dee said...

This question comes from a book I just started reading --- The Measure by Nikki Erlick.

If someone gave you a box and inside was the answer to how long you would live, would you open the box?

I'm reserving my answer until I finish the book. I have an inkling that my answer now and my answer at the end of the book may not be the same.

Hope you have a great Monday.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

My mom is like that - excels at ANYTHING she puts her mind to!

Now... question... if you could travel to any one place in the world, where would it be and why?

Araignee said...

I'd love to know what your best selling yarn brands are in the different weights. It's been at least 20 years since I've been in a yarn shop and buying online leads to a lot of stuff in the stash that is subpar once I get my hands on it.

Kym said...

Oooo. This is always fun! :-) Here's my question: When and how did you learn to knit? And what was the first finished thing you ever knit?

Kim in Oregon said...

Here's my question: what does your home look like? I think you live in urban Philly, and I think you have a several floors, but I also think you have some kind of back yard and no front yard? But maybe that's just the movie in my head?

Shirley said...

I don't have a question but would love to see a tour or photos of your home - inside and/or outside. Just a few photos you are comfortable with sharing. My impression is that you live in an historic home. It sounds delightful from what you have mentioned in various blog posts.

andrea rules said...

here are my favorite weird questions to ask people!

1. if you have to type a string of letters that are capitalized, do you hold shift down for all of them or do you put caps lock on for them?
2. if you could go back and do things all over, would you pick a different profession and if so what would it be?
3. least favorite word and why
4. what food fad do you hate the most?
5. tell us a strong opinion you have about something truly inconsequential and silly, and yet it baffles you that other people do not feel the same

love you!

andrea (and greta and the cats)

Carol said...

I'm originally from Baltimore (lived in NE Baltimore City and Baltimore County) - now I'm in NC. What are your favorite places to visit in Baltimore and in Philly?

KSD said...

What is the title of your memoir?