18 April 2023

Tiny Needle Tuesday (After a LONG Time!)

Every week, I read people's Tiny Needle Tuesday posts, and I think I need to get back to my stitching. And then life happens, work happens, and I just don't pick it up at all.

But last Thursday, I was just more in the mood to stitch than I was to knit or do anything else. So I pulled out my embroidery project and added the blue flowers, and two of the rose colored flowers that consisted of French knots, as well as adding the yellow French knots. I was quite pleased, even though my French knots are kind of messy. But again, I'm doing this project for me, and I like the way it's looking.

Then on Friday, I decided to work on it a bit more. So I started on the green leaves. They are actually two different shades of green, so I started with the dark green first. I got all of them done, except for one where the stem of a flower in the lighter green cuts through. I decided to do that next and then finish the dark green leaves. But I'm really happy with my two days' work.

And I realized that once I get all of the leaves and stems finished, all I'll have left is the outline of the tea cup! I've even already started to look at frames for the finished piece, because I would like to hang it up in my craft room (aka the everything-gets-piled-there-room). I'd like to put it in a nice hoop style frame, and so now here is my question. 

The hoop I'm using to stitch it, is a 6-inch hoop. Should I also look for a 6-inch hoop frame for it? Of course I would center it, etc., but do you think that will look like too much white background? For those of you more experienced with this, please let me know if you have a rule of thumb that you use when you frame something without a real border.

It will still take me a while until it's completed, but now I'm back in the groove and loving it again. 😃

P.S. Don't forget, if you have a question you'd like to ask me, go to this post from yesterday.


Kym said...

What a charming piece, Bridget! I really love the colors . . . and the flowers . . . and the outline of the teacup will make it just perfection. As far as the framing . . . I think a hoop would be ideal, and it would not be too much "white space" at all. I've seen people paint the hoops to pick up one of the colors in the stitching, which might be fun for this piece. I can't wait to see your piece all finished up!

Nance said...

This is such a lovely project. It's bright, yet serene. I think Kym's idea of painting the hoop to match one of the thread colours is perfect.

Andrea Rules said...

so beautiful!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Beautiful stitching!

Araignee said...

So pretty! Those flowers petals look like a lot of work. I am discovering that filling in big areas might be faster than cross stitch but it can go wrong quickly if you're not paying attention.
I used to always use the same hoop I used for stitching to frame my small pieces. I always liked the look of it while I was working on them so that's where they stayed when they went on the wall. It was the 80's so of course I glued lace around the edges for that "extra" touch. Lol...

Kim in Oregon said...

Really lovely stitching! Maybe get a hoop that matches one of the colors? That might look wonderful.

karen said...

beautiful stitching and it almost makes me want to stitch as well, but I'm still recovering from the linen I stitched on...