14 July 2023

Christmas in July, Week 2

Hello - here was are again, in the second week of this year's Christmas in July! I had so much fun reading everyone's responses last week, and choosing a winner, so let's see what we can do this time around. 😊

The prizes for this week are below.

First up, a gray leather wrist ruler. (Sorry I didnt' get a better photo!).  I received this in a goody bag, and am unlikely to ever use it myself, so I thought I'd share the wealth.

Next, a cotton project bag, with sheep, flowers, and polka dot handles. It has enough room inside for a shawl project, or even a small sweather's worth of yarn, and zippers along the top.

Here is your question:

What is your favorite holiday food? 

Not necessarily for Christmas, but for any holiday throughout the year. 

This was a hard one for me, because I have so many favorites, but I have decided if I absolutely had to choose just one (and I hope I never do!), it would be stuffing at Thanksgiving. Yes, we could make stuffing at any time of the year, but we don't. And it has always been one of my favorite foods, to make, to eat, and to enjoy smelling as it's prepared.

Please comment on this post ONLY, by midnight EDT on Tuesday, July 18; I'll announce the winner the next day. 

I have a feeling that reading your responses are going to make me hungry ...


Ugh, this week has been problematic the whole time, what's up with that? I had so much planned to do and to accomplish on my days off, and that all got thrown out the window almost right away. So annoying. I keep telling myself that next week is another week, but you know how it is - you get a plan in your brain and you're ready to go and then NOPE.

Anyway, have a good weekend, hopefully doing what you would like to do and/or have planned to do without any problems. We have no specific plans, and at least as of today, it's supposed to be kind of rainy, so we'll see what works and what doesn't. Take care, and enjoy!


Vera said...

Oh gosh! My favorite holiday foods would be ones I miss! My Mom's home-made rolls - absolutely hands down the best EVER and her Christmas cookies. Mine never taste as good. Hungry and drooling over here (and I love stuffing too, but make it more than just at Thanksgiving!).

Kym said...

There are so many foods I love that we ONLY prepare at the holidays . . . so it's hard to choose. I think I'll choose beef tenderloin, though. It's always our Christmas dinner -- and it's the only time I ever eat red meat! I especially like it with this parmesan/basil mayonnaise I make to go with it (Ina Garten's recipe). And my mouth is watering right this moment . . .

Wanderingcatstudio said...

I'm definitely with you on the stuffing (but my Dad's because he makes the best). But if I had to pick just one.... mincemeat pie.
And unfortunately, during COVID it became impossible to get mince meat in a jar. I could make my own, but I'm lazy - I want to just dump it into a pie crust and bake.
In 2020, I couldn't get any. In 2021 - all I could find in the stores was a jar of fancy fru-fru stuff. It was expensive, but I bought it anyway. It was HORRIBLE!!!!
Last year, the stores only had the fru-fru stuff again (if they had anything, most didn't). I had NO mincemeat last year.
If it happens again this year, I'm just going to have to suck it up and make my own.

Dee said...

It is so hard to pick one. Stuffing came to mind, but like Vera, I make that throughout the year.

So, I think I'm going to pick something I had a a Fourth of July get together when I lived in Florida.

Strawberry Pretzel Salad

My friend, Holly, made it. It truly was a slice of heaven.

Kim in Oregon said...

I can start with Christmas cookies in general--I have rarely met a Christmas cookie I didn't like! Two other favorites are beef tenderloin stuffed with spinach (I make it for Christmas eve) and artichoke/spinach dip (I make it for New Years eve).

Araignee said...

I know most people will think I'm crazy but I LOVE fruitcake. I look forward to making it every year and I usually have more than enough to get me through most of the winter if I just eat a small slice with a cup of tea every afternoon. When I was a teen I saw the TV adaptation of Truman Capote's A Christmas Memory. The plot centers around making fruitcake. It made a huge impression and I've made it every year since-minus those crazy pandemic years when I didn't have an oven or a kitchen for that matter.

Alison said...

Well seeing as you enjoyed a taste of our summer climate down under - maybe the story of a favourite dessert might pique your interest too. As mentioned previously Christmas is celebrated in mid summer, and although the weather can be unpredictable, we like to pretend it is going to be hot. We often plan the menu with that in mind - BBQ, salads and the world famous Pavlova as dessert. Herein lies the controversy - you see we have an on-going rivalry with our close neighbour Australia in all things sporting and anything else we can think of. They love to claim our celebrities as their own and even recently trademarked Manuka honey as theirs! Humph! The Manuka bush grows here! I digress - the Pavlova is named after the ballerina Anna Pavlova and I guess inspired by the tulle of her tutu as it is a fluffy cloud of meringue, slathered with whipped cream and topped off with Kiwifruit or Strawberries. It slides right down onto your hips. Well, yup, the Aussies claim it was invented there and we just know it was invented here. And so on. When people mention celebratory pot lucks someone inevitably says “I'll bring a good old Pav”. Of course their's or their mothers' or grandma's is the best recipe.

Bridget, I don't need to be in the draw - just enjoying the fun.

KSD said...

This is easy. My Aunt Jig's Christmas tree cookies. They really weren't anything other than shortbread with green food coloring, but I could eat them all day. When I moved out, she'd check with Daddy every year (she was his oldest sister) about when she needed to bake "Kim's cookies." If she brought any to a family function, everyone knew to back up once I saw them. (Though she usually had a full tin for me hidden away somewhere.)

Anonymous said...

I will pass on give away because my wrist never fits bracelets. It’s bigger than it should be due to a fracture as a teen. My favourite holiday food is green jello whipped with pineapple and cottage cheese. I don’t make it but a friend does. I could eat whole thing. Or 5 cup salad. I know strange eh?
Cheryl aka seajaes on ravelry

Meredith MC said...

My favorite holiday food is Christmas cookies. Not the eating of them, but making them. They remind me of my mom, and the best parts of being a kid.
I’ve always coveted one of those wrist rulers. It seems like such a knitting meets punk rock type of accessory.
I hope you’re staying cool!

Lilly's Mom said...

Hello Bridget, I would have to say my favorite holiday food is Christmas cookies. My grandma used to bake a huge batch and send them to us each year when I was young. I now make her recipes each year. Pat (I commented earlier on your knitted bag so please don't think I'm entering twice)