21 July 2023

In Which I Am Clearly Confused; And, A Friday Funny

As you may have noticed, the post for Week 3 of Christmas in July went up yesterday instead of today, when it was supposed to happen. Whoops! Not that it's a problem, since it just gives anyone interested an extra day to enter the giveaway, but it is just another case of me confusing the days of the week.

When I originally started my part-time job, the days I worked were Sunday and Tuesday. Then Wednesday was added, and that was easy enough to keep track of, since it was just an add-on after my regular days.

Then last month, my schedule was changed again - now I work on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Which is nice because then I get four days off in a row. BUT, I'm still not there in my brain. So every Wednesday, I think it's Thursday, and every Thursday, I think it's Friday. Inevitably, at some point on each of those days, I'll remember that I'm just getting things confused, but clearly it's gonna take a bit longer until it "sticks" in my brain and I am clear on what day of the week is actually happening. 😉

What can I say, I'm a creature of habit!

Anyway, it gives me a chance to share this cartoon that I saw the other day. I really like it, but I have to admit that it took me a minute to "get" it. Enjoy, and remember if you want to enter the giveaway, it's on yesterday's post.


Araignee said...

I never know what day of the week it is. When they used to so the dementia screening on my dad and would ask him the date and day I would never know either. I thought yesterday was Friday. It makes getting the trash and recycling out interesting.

Dee said...

Okay ..........I'm dense. I still don't get the cartoon. His hands?

Kym said...

As my daughter often said as a child . . . "When am I?"

Wanderingcatstudio said...

I work on deadlines that are usually two-three weeks out. So I never know what day it is since I'm so focused on those deadlines!