26 July 2023

Christmas in July Week 3 Winner!


Wait, what? Why is there a fall photo in the post announcing the winner for Week 3 of Christmas in July???

Because, the winner is:


You may or may not recall the question, which was:

Pretend there are no holidays at all (THE HORROR!), and you get to create one. Here's what I want to know:

1. What would it be called?
2. When would be?
3. What would be the 'official' way it would be celebrated?
4. What food(s) and/or traditions would be associated with it?

Dee's holiday was all about Fall:

My holiday would be Peak Day (or Peek Day if you prefer).

1. The date would vary depending where fall leaves are at peak for your area.

2. You would have a lovely chili supper with plenty of sour cream and cheese. There would be a salad made with fresh greens, roasted beets and sweet potato with a topping of goat cheese and white balsamic dressing. You would have leaf shaped, frosted butter cookies.

3. It would be required that you go outside at golden hour (which would also vary depending on where you lived) and observe the beauty of fall.

That's my holiday and even if it isn't real (yet), I intend to observe it this year, hopefully by a river.

I don't know about you, but I think this sounds like a pretty darn perfect way to spend a perfect fall day, I would be completely on board with this. Dee, as with some others, I know I had your address before my computer issues, but I don't have it now, so please send it along when you have the chance (I know you know my e-mail address, since we are always back-and-forthing). Congratulations!

I really loved all of your holiday ideas, and think perhaps our group should be in charge of decreeing any additional holidays ever under consideration; in lieu of that, what the heck, let's start observing them ourselves, anyway! Who's with me??

Stay tuned for this Friday, which will be the grand finale for this year, so to speak. I want to make sure that the prize is an especially good one, and that I come up with a good question. 😊


And now, allow me to regale you with a tale of the knitter who worried she would run out of yarn. Sigh.

You may recall that I was zooming right along on my Stripey Summer Top. Well, when I started out, I already one of the yarns because it had been in my stash for umpteen years, and I finally decided this was what I would use it to make. Said yarn was already wound into cakes, so it was ready to go.

It took me a ridiculously long time to decide what other yarn and/or color I would use, and I finally decided. I bought two skeins since I knew that is what it would take. But I only wound one skein into a cake and put the other away. Because at the time, that seemed the reasonable thing to do. (??)

So in my project bag, I had two skeins of the one yarn, and one skein of the other. And I was knitting, knitting, knitting, and time went by, which means my brain moved on to other things happening, and all of a sudden, I was nearing the end of the cakes of yarn I was using. Of course, one cake was already there in the bag, wound up and ready to continue.

But, I kept wondering how I had already gone through both skeins of the other yarn I had purchased, and still needed some for the top? I thought to myself in the most annoyed way possible, "$%#%^ - the pattern acted like I'd only need two of the other color, and now I'll need three!" So I special ordered another skein at work, but knew it would be a while before it arrived. So I did as much as I could and then had to stop because I was out of the one yarn, at least temporarily.

I'm sure you are way ahead of me here. The other day, I was getting something out of one of the cubbies of yarn I have, and VOILA! - there was the second skein I had purchased but never wound. I had in fact purchased enough yarn, I had only would one of the skeins ... but since I had two of the others, my brain apparently decided I must had wound both of the purchased yarn and used them up. Dumb**s. 

Now, if six months had elapsed since I had started, I would think, Oh well, it's taken so long, no wonder I forgot. But *maybe* six weeks had elapsed

Now, as yarn/knitting tragedies go, this is not one. It's more stupid and annoying than tragic. I wound the second skein, and when the special ordered one comes in, I can either bring it home to use for portions of socks, or return it for a store credit. So no harm done, really.

But I may have actually finished knitting the top by now, if I'd only remembered that I'd only wound the one skein out of two. 

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas, right?

That's it for now, I've got some knitting to do ... 


Araignee said...

Congrats to Dee! Peek Day sounds like a great way to celebrate fall. I can't wait.
As for your yarn adventure, I had to stop and stare at the washing machine dial this morning because for a minute I couldn't remember how to set it-something I do everyday. I wondered if I'm on the slippery slope I watched my dad go down and it freaked me out.

Kim in Oregon said...

Congrats Dee! Great holiday idea.

Dee said...

Oh that is so cool! I will send you an email.

I have never not had a skein for a project. But, I DO have several yarns where I bought more than one. Gee, I really like that skein. I MUST because I've bought it before! SHEESH!

Karen in PA said...

I love Peak Day! But mine would include pie, or maybe some kind of apple/walnut cake.

KSD said...

Any post where you can use a Mom quote is a good post.

Kym said...

I seem not to be able to keep track of my yarn sometimes, too! It's nice to hear it happens to others, too. :-)

Alison said...

That sounds like a great holiday Dee - enjoy your lovely prize,