I have another recipe for you today, this time with pictures. I started making this about fifteen years ago, when I found it on one of the knitting listservs of the time (I no longer remember which one). It's really good, and relatively simple to make. (The stirring can be tedious.)
And so, without further ado:
Almond Butter Toffee**
(makes approx. 2 ½ pounds of candy)
1 pound butter
1 ½ c. sugar
2 c. sliced natural almonds
¼ tsp. cream of tartar
1 cup chocolate chips
Using a heavy 3-quart saucepan, blend butter, sugar, and cream of tartar over medium high to high heat.
Stir fast and constantly, until mixture forms a creamy texture and no butter remains on top. (This can also count as an upper body workout ...)
Add 1 ½ cups sliced natural almonds, and continue stirring until mixture has carmelized, or turned the color of peanut butter.
Immediately turn out onto 2 ungreased cookie sheets. Spread evenly over pans. DO NOT scrape pan, or the candy will taste scorched. *
While still hot, sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Set cookie sheets in a cool, dry place overnight, for toffee and chocolate to set.

Store in an airtight container.

This keeps really well, as long as it is kept in a cool spot. (I should also warn you that if you have dental problems, this is probably not the treat for you ...)
Looks delicious! I saw a tree on the left pan and Santa on the right. :-)
I'm going to add a link to this post from my candy post yesterday, to give people more info on the toffee making process! Look delicious.
Man, that looks cracklicious.
Yum - that looks delicious!
Mmm Mmm, looks yummy. I'm popping some anti-inflammatories, doing some pre-baking calisthenics and going in for another round of baking this weekend. ;)
I must give this toffee a try.
Jinglepuss! I love that. And wow, great advertising for Duracell.
That recipe looks yummy! We have almonds too. It looks like it's going to be almond toffee and Peanut butter cups (from Chris) around here soon......
Hey, I remember that Santa from last year! Nice to see him back :)
The toffee looks wonderful. Do you also have a link to a good dentist?
Toffee keeps really well. Hmm, I'm thinking not, around here. I would have that munched up in no time! Yea, I'm gonna be making that- thanks!
Danielle (aka #5) and I just made a batch and I think I'm going to have to keep an eye on her. She may not give it a chance to set before she starts sampling.
Thanks for sharing the recipe!
Okay, I'm too lazy to make it and licking the monitor ain't working so I'm braving the ice to get some directly from the source.
Ah, hell, who am I kidding. I'm too lazy to drive.
Oh. My. Lord. That looks good. It keeps? That wouldn't be a problem with me.
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