29 July 2022

Five Favorites for This Friday

The last Friday of July has arrived, which is fine with me. July is one of those months I enjoy in theory - as I do like the Fourth of July - but really dislike in reality - constant heat wave, anyone? So I'm never all that sad to see it go. And this is the day years ago when our sweet Dug the Doodle Dog had to leave us and join those already in heaven. Sigh.

So in order to try and counteract that, I've decided it's well over time I did a Five Favorites post.  


1. I successfully did a crochet chain provisional cast-on for a knitting project! Any kind of provisional cast-on has eluded me for my entire knitting life. So the fact that I finally figured out one way it would work was a major boost. I'm not saying it worked perfectly when I was taking it out, but that was user error and in the end I got it to work like it was supposed to, which is what matters. 

2. The other morning when I walked out the door, I got to meet a new neighbor named Katie, which was nice, BUT - she was walking her 8-month-old mini-Bernadoodle puppy named Miso! OMG Miso is ridiculously adorable, very wiggly, and has so many kisses to give. I told her if they ever need a dog sitter or dog walker, I'm right across the street.

3. (I already posted about this on Instagram, so if you follow me there, you've seen it and can go to #4.)

A few years ago, we bought a clematis plant for our garden. The first year, it was very happy, but didn't bloom, which was fine. The next year, it was covered in blooms, and that was quite exciting. Then last year, in an overambitious weeding of the garden during a cleanup, I realized I'd pulled it out, and to say it was upsetting would be an understatement.

Then, this year, I noticed a small tendril was climbing up the trellis - I was so thrilled, because somehow some little piece had survived! It took off, and I was so relieved to see it was happy and thriving. But then - this happened:

Words cannot express how happy seeing this single bloom made me feel! It was a reminder that at least sometimes, not all is lost.

4. I have thus far made it through the week without having Alfie attack my legs! Granted, it may be because he was too hot to make the effort, but I'm hoping he's decided that it's not worth the momentary hilarity/satisfaction to end up in trouble. Time will tell.

5. A good thing happened this week that I want to tell you about, but not until you know the background of it. So suffice it to say I'll tell you next week as part of the "This is all the crap that happened while I wasn't posting" at the end of June/beginning of July. (Spoiler alert: I did not win any lottery money.) But be assured that it was something that was a step forward, and provides some help - even if just a little bit - to our overall situation. 

I hope you can find at least one or two things that went well for you this past week. Enjoy your weekend, and I'll see you again in August! 😊


karen said...

can't wait to hear more about number five!! the neighbor with the wiggly dog sounds like a wonderful blessing :)

Wanderingcatstudio said...

I'm with you on July. I love it because FLOWERS! But the heat and humidity make it hard to truly enjoy

Congrats on the survival of the Clematis!!!! I have NEVER been able to get one to grow. I put three on the catio fence this summer and so far (fingers crossed) they are still alive. No flowers, but I bought them after their flowering period, so that's not a surprise. Hopefully, they make it through the rest of summer, winter, and then do really well next spring!
The honeysuckle I bought is doing really well though, so at least I know I can grow some vines.

Can't wait to hear more about your fifth good thing! Have a great weekend

Araignee said...

I got the same feels from a Black Eyed Susan I took from Dad's yard before I sold the house 6 years ago. I planted it in my front bed where it did poorly. I ended up digging it up and putting it back in the pot I brought it home in and put it on the porch where it's still hanging in there. I never thought of about it being in the ground until this year when of all things....some of it not only popped up in the front bed where it was but bloomed. Some of the root must have survived. It was such a gift in an otherwise miserable summer.

Vera said...

Fun new neighbor and I'm curious about #5!!

Dee said...

You had me at BERNADOODLE! I can picture in my mind's eye how CUTE that would be.

Looking forward to the August post!

Nance said...

Oh, I share your Joy about your clematis! What a thrill, and what a sense of renewed Hope it must have been. It's a terrific metaphor for our times, isn't it? And, as Araignee said, a gift.

Looking forward to your other Good News. You were overdue, I think.

Karen in PA said...

Congrats on your clematis… they are sneaky, the end near the ground always looks totally dry and dead, but if you clip it off you find that the whole top end was alive and thriving… ask me how I know! July is my least favorite month, so so hot, and Fall is so far away. In August at least you know September is next. So hooray for August!

Kim in Oregon said...

Is it part St. Bernard? Or Bernese Mountain Dog? CAN WE SEE PICTURES??