07 July 2023

IT'S BACK! Christmas in July, Week 1

Hello! I didn't mean to be gone all week, but nonetheless I'm here right now, to tell you that Christmas in July is back! Last year at this time, I had Covid and could barely function much less post to my blog and/or run a giveaway. So it all got skipped - but now it's back, baby!

If you are not familiar with this, I will ask a question for anyone interested in receiving the giveaway of the week. Then I use a random number generator to choose a winner, and notify them and then we go to the next week. So this week, these posts will be up today, then also on July 14, 21, and 28.

The "contest" such as it is, is available to  anyone interested, regardless of where they live. I have a little fund of cash that I keep all year long (random change from things, cash from my own yarny-related purchases where I didn't use all of it, etc.), so I'm happy to send packages anyplace.

OK, so let's get going, shall we?

This week's prize is this group of items:

There's a really sweet winter-y project bag, probably large enough for some socks or a small shawl; a set of US5/3.75mm wooden Lantern Moon double pointed needles in a little bag (I know, hard to see, sorry!); and a really wonderful book that I want to pass along. I received it in a little care package from Kym a while back, and it's a collection of little sayings, stories, etc. that keep you feeling upbeat and hopeful without being sappy. I decided that it would be only fair to share the joy.

So how can you win this set of prizes? Well, here's your question for the week:

June, July, or August?

Those are generally considered the summer months in the northern hemisphere (where I live). I want to know - which one is your favorite and why? Should you be someone living in the southern hemisphere, please answer using the months are considered summer months where you are (note I am not 100% sure so I'm not committing ...).

Please comment on this post only, by midnight EDT on Tuesday, July 11; I'll announce the winner the next day. 

For me, I did love June this year because it was actually still spring-like weather; but in general, I have to choose August. Not because I love what can be the hottest time of the summer, but because I know that when August ends, September begins, and we start moving into fall - meaning cooler temperatures and cozier weather overall. 

Now it's your turn. 😊


I hope you have a good weekend. I have no specific plans, but I'm looking forward to it because The Tim will be off work, and I enjoy it when we can all be together, even if he mostly naps and I end up on my own anyway! We had a quiet July 4th, since he was working, but I felt inspired and made a yummy picnic dinner, if I do say so myself. Some dumb*ss in our neighborhood thought it would be a good idea to shoot off fireworks all day and evening on July 5th, so I guess their celebration continued, whereas everyone else was really annoyed. Other people, right?

Take care, and if you are anyplace where it's too hot, I hope you can stay cool. It's pretty deadly here - hot, humid, and really hard to breathe. Summer has decided to arrive in style ... 

See you next week!


Araignee said...

Yippee! It's so much fun answering your questions that I never even care if I win-again. I was lucky enough to win a few years ago.

As for my favorite summer month....that's a hard one since I HATE summer but I have to say as a retired teacher it has to be June with its promise of vacation and those last bittersweet days of school. Packing up your classroom for the summer has to be one of the all time best feelings in the world.

Patricia said...

Hello Bridget. How fun to have a give away! My favorite month is June; I was married in June and it’s also the month my daughter was born.

Kim in Oregon said...

I have an answer but a head's up that I'll skip entering this week's draw if that's ok. I like all the summer months but I think my favorite is August because it means that all the tourists will soon be gone and we will still have one fabulous month of summer left!

Vera said...

Oh man, I am with you! Initially I was going to pick June because it is usually not THAT summery...but I, too, will go with August because it means Fall is right around the corner! It is miserable out there today...even though it is a little milder (88 instead of the 90's) it is still so freakin' humid.....have a good (cool) weekend.

Helen Mathey-Horn said...

June I think, birthday month and school gets out and just nice weather. July is okay and August is depressing as I would usually have to start thinking about school starting again (teacher).

KSD said...

i know you and I share an antipathy toward Summer, so I'll have to pass on this one. Why did you make it so difficult? ;)

Alison said...

Living in New Zealand our summer is December January February. December is too busy with end of year parties, the rush to Christmas etc. Then comes January….we all heave a collective sigh of relief that “It” is all over, the weather settles into balmy long days, people flock to the lakes and beaches, the laughter of kids on trampolines wafts through the air in the early evenings, and we just enjoy chilling out. There is no rush to do anything, the gardens are having their mid summer break from growing so are content with a splash of water now and then. The days stretch out and with a huge amount of.folks on annual leave there is a calm happy buzz in the air. It is languid and oh so peaceful. Then comes February, school is back in with all the costs of supplies, uniforms, fees etc, the Christmas credit card bills have arrived, there seems to be a gritty look on people’s faces, and it gets HOT.

So…January, oh January, you are my favourite summer month and I enjoy every minute of every day of you.

Anonymous said...

My favourite month is August. Even though I’m now retired, my best memories are vacations last two weeks of August. When my daughter was a teen we rented a cottage. Was always a fun time. It’s not too hot to sleep at night. The sunsets on Lake Huron are great. And it’s gateway to fall. Take care my friend.
Cheryl - seajaes on Ravelry

Nance said...

A lovely prize, but I’ll skip this week. I don’t use double-points, so I’ll take myself out.

I prefer June. It’s still not full summer, so no beastly humidity, and when I was teaching, it was just the start of summer vacation. I felt so free!

Cindy Voutila said...

I would have to say that my favorite month is August. In August we take a family vacation to York Beach, ME. Two of my three adult kids and their significant others come, as well as, three of my grandchildren. We stay right on the beach (across the street) in a beautiful three floor story house rental. It was also the time we start to think about school, which is a new start. I am a newly retired teacher so I do not know how I will feel this August....we will see. However, I have a lot of crafting ready and a new grandbaby due August 2nd......hmmm.....

Wanderingcatstudio said...

I'd say it would have to be June for me. Usually the weather isn't as hot and humid as August, and it's generally the busiest time in the garden, which is one of the places I'm the happiest.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bridget! I’m new here- I e tried commenting earlier but for some reason it disappears 😳Anyway- I love June the best because of all the blossoms in the garden! And it’s not usually too hot yet.. I’m a Norwegian living in the mid-Hudson Valley, NY, and I’m really not fond of heat and humidity! I love your blog! ~Ricki/Rigmor

Meredith MC said...

l love July! It features abundant flowers, fresh tomatoes and peaches, and jumping into lakes. Where I live, wildfires and the associated smoke show up in August, and I have to go back to school the last week of August. So July is the best month for me! Thanks for asking- this is so fun.

Kym said...

I am a Total Summer Fan, so I actually like ALL the summer months. I like June because everything is exploding in the garden and it is usually (finally) consistently summer-like. I like July because, well . . . because ice cream tastes best in July. And I like August because every day seems more precious as the seasonal changes begin to kick in. (As for the prize package, please count me out on this one . . . because I alreay have a copy of that sweet little book.) XO