29 December 2023

Almost a Wrap


It's true. In a couple of days, we'll say goodbye to 2023, whether or not we want to do that. Whether it's been a good year, a bad year, or just a regular year, the next one is coming and will bring its own packaging along with it.

But before that happens, today is my niece Amanda's 50th birthday! She will be celebrating with her husband just the way she wants to, with a weekend in Rehoboth Beach. They have some favorite places there, and she said that rather than a party, going there was the best way she could imagine to welcome her fiftieth year. This pleases me, because she deserves to spend a special birthday in a special place. When you have a birthday so soon after Christmas, a lot of people just forget about it, because they are over celebrations, or they are busy looking forward to New Year's Eve. So I can't wait to hear about her wonderful birthday weekend!

Also today is Holiday Cheeseball making day! I usually make it during the week between Christmas and New Year's, and since I finally found some nice blue cheese (why was that so hard this year??), today it will happen and it will have a couple of days to blend the flavors before we break into it for New Year's Eve.

Am I happy to see the year end? This year has been a mix of good and bad, but the most important and best part of it is that we have been together all year, and we added Miss Esmeralda to our family. Any year that we are all still together is a good year, no matter what else does or does not happen. So I'm not necessarily happy to move on to the new year because there are no guarantees it will be the same in that regard. We have to hope for the best.

Having said that, no year is all good or all bad, so 2024 will bring what it wants to bring. I hope it will be mostly good things, but I have no expectations that it will be perfect. I already know of a couple of things that I am happily anticipating, and that's always a good way to start a new year.

Here's hoping that the remainder of 2023 will be kind to you and that at a minimum, most of 2024 will have good things coming your way.

Oh and also - enjoy New Year's Eve, because:




Cynthia said...

Happy New Year to you too and thank you for sharing through your blog!

Kim in Oregon said...

It's a waltz! Happy New Year!

Araignee said...

I love Rehoboth Beach too. My parents would rent a house right before Christmas and we would go there for a big family get together. She'd even pack a little tree.

I love the idea of you making a cheese ball and letting it cure. I was just saying to The Mister that the week between Christmas is such a bleak one. After all the hustle and bustle it feels wrong to have nothing to do. I need to come up with a tradition like that.

I've been hearing lots of chatter about that 123 123 thing. Like Y2K it will mean nothing but it's fun reading all the silly things people are coming up with.

karen said...

Happy New Year to you :)