21 April 2020

Lately Around Here

Hello all!  Its starting to get very gloomy here, and is supposed to start pouring rain (what a surprise), so I played it smart for once and have already taken Hamlet out for his morning walk, where he found someone who would pet him, so his day started out well ... and The Tim just returned from a trip to the grocery store, so we are set for a while.  Now we can just stay inside for the time being.

Our weekend was fine, if somewhat uninteresting.  The highlight was Saturday evening, when we did a Zoom happy hour with my niece Amanda and her husband Patrick.  Even their cat Clancy joined in!  We had so much fun, catching up, laughing, and just generally being silly.  It felt good.  Also, I don't know if any of you watch the TV show "Ozark," but I freaked out Pat with my impersonations of two of the characters (Ruth Langmore and Darlene, for those familiar with the series).  The two of them are doing well, and we traded suggestions for things to watch on TV while we're all home, so it was beneficial as well as just plain fun.

Also on Saturday morning, The Tim cut my hair for me!  I had told him that if he was willing to try, I would appreciate it - and that if it looked awful, no problem, since I'm not going anywhere in public anytime soon.  He was bothered because we didn't have hair trimming tools, but took out his beard trimmer and used that.  It was a huge success!  I told him that he'd better be careful, or he'd have a permanent job.  When we were talking to Amanda and Pat, they were complimenting him.  I said I assumed the back looked fine, but also wasn't too worried, since I don't see the back of my head, and then he said, "I figured that, so I just carved in the message 'F*** you.'"  We all got a good laugh out of that!

Towards the end of last week, I managed a HO:

This is the first Easter Egg Scrappy Shortie Sock, and I'm really happy with the way it turned out!  I've got the second sock going, and am ready to pick up for the gusset and then knit the foot, so it's well on its way.  I was seeing lots of scrappy sock projects on Instagram and on podcasts, and they looked so nice, I decided to give them a try.  This is just a plain vanilla sock pattern, and I chose some scraps and minis that I figured would have enough for a pair, and got started.  It's fun, because it's one of those "just let me do one more color" projects. 😊

(See that smiley face?  I've been using Blogger forever, and just realized they had emojis.  Sigh.)

I've decided that Friday will probably be the day that I post the answers to the questions you asked me here.  So for anyone who still wants to ask me anything, there's still time!  Just remember the questions have to be posted as comments on that post.

That's about it for today.  We are still fortunate, in that we and all of our loved ones are still well and able to stay safe; I hope that is the case for you too. 


Araignee said...

Your haircut story made me laugh because I had a similar experience although mine was real. We were about to embark on our big family vacation to Canada when I decided to give my sons a buzz cut. They asked if I could put their initials on the back of their heads (it was the 80's and that was cool) so I gave it a try. The oldest son had N. T. so that was easy. The middle son was supposed to have Z. T. but when I tried to put a little dot in between I ended up carving ZIT on the back of his head. He walked around Canada for two weeks with ZIT on his head. We still laugh about it.

Dee said...

The sock is so cute.

Okay, WHERE are the emojis??????? LOL

Dee said...

Never mind...FOUND THEM.

Kim in Oregon said...

OMG I really really want to see or hear your impressions. We are totally bingeing Ozark.

AsKatKnits said...

I am loving the hair cut humor! And, yay for Zoom Happy Hours!

Kym said...

Okay. I just love y'all! You made me spit my coffee at my laptop this morning. Please tell Tim that I appreciate his hair-stylin' humor oh-so-much! (He made my day.) XO

Nance said...

This is such a cheery post, and your shortie sock fit right in. I love it! So glad you connected with your fun family for happy hour. That sounds like a great idea.

I've been on Blogger for fifteen years now and I had no idea that I could post emojis, either. Sigh. The next time we have a Worldwide Pandemic, who knows what else I'll learn?

karen said...

Your Tim has all the hidden skills, yay for a great hair cut!!!