17 June 2022

Friday Funny

I follow an account called "Old Images of Philadelphia" on both Facebook and Instagram because I love seeing photos of places that used to be, or the people there, etc.  Today this was posted, and it has become one of my favorite things, ever.

This woman was not identified by name in the post, so if she is your grandmother or something I apologize for my great joy and hilarity upon seeing this.  But is it not it's own type of perfection?  One of the commenters said, "Whatever she did, she meant it," and that made me laugh so hard I cried.  

On another level altogether it also amuses me, because it reminds me of my mother.  Now, she was never arrested, but it was not uncommon for her to have her hair in curlers and bobby pins, and leave the house for a quick run to the grocery store or the drug store, or wherever.  And she would inevitably run into someone she knew and come home asking us why she never saw people she knew when she left the house looking nice. 😂

My favorite story was the time she ran into her co-worker at the grocery store.  Her co-worker was an elderly woman  named Alice, who *always* looked completely impeccable - nice clothes, hair always styled, jewelry, etc.  One time she saw my  mother looking more or less like the woman above, and said, "Holy Mother of God, what happened to you to make you leave the house like that?"  Which my  mother did find quite amusing.  Alice talked about that for years, apparently.

Thank you, arrested woman above, for giving me one of the best laughs ever.

Have a good weekend, everyone!


Ellen D. said...

The tortures we put ourselves through in the 60s to make our hair look nice. I remember brush rollers that were painful to sleep in but I did!

Dee said...

She DID mean it AND she'd do it again!!!

P.S. My mom looked like that too --- AND SHE WENT OUT!!! I'm pretty sure that is not her in the photo though. Mom never mentioned being arrested.

Araignee said...

What a laugh! My mom always had really short hair and I think now I know why. My grandmother used to walk around looking like that all day too and I bet my mom couldn't imagine doing that to yourself.

Kim in Oregon said...

How did they even sleep?

Nance said...

My Aunt June set her hair exactly like that. What an ordeal. My mother puts curlers in her hair, but would never, ever leave the house in them.


Kym said...

I LOVE Arrested Woman In Curlers! Thank you so much for sharing her. I'm just tickled. (And my mom would never have been caught out of the house in her curlers. I love your mom for stepping out in hers!) XO

KSD said...

I don't remember my mother ever leaving the house without lipstick on. If Daddy went out to pick up a pizza or something, he'd usually just slip into his moving shoes (you can imagine what they looked like), wear whatever he was wearing, and head out. Mama would say, pointedly and painfully, "Brit, at least comb your hair!"