10 March 2023

Friday Catch Up

Hello all! I didn't mean to take such an extended "break" from blogging, but that's what happened. The past few weeks have had a lot of little things happening that just seemed to pile on and keep me from doing very much at all. Does that ever happen to you? Every once in a while that happens to me and a lot gets lost in the shuffle. 

Oh well. 

Happy March, by the way. 😉

I somewhat managed to keep up with others' activities, but usually more as a lurker than a commenter. Sounds like all of you are busy, and some of you are really making some pretty things!  I'm glad that - at least in general - things are well with all of you.

There's been a lot of lounging going on around here:

These guys are funny. Pip and Milo have of course been buds for a long time, and though Pip thinks Alfie is the best, Milo the Koodle seems to change his opinion hour by hour. So the fact that they were all on the guest bedroom bed together for most of an afternoon without incident is pretty amazing.

There's also been some ... deconstructing going on.

This is our second floor (main) bathroom after the sinks and vanity were torn out earlier this week. Fortunately, we have a guest bathroom on the third floor that has a functioning sink! 

The bathroom pictured has had a cheapo, unattractive vanity and two sinks since we moved in. It's something we've always wanted to change, but while we were paying our mortgage, we never had enough extra money. About a year ago, one of the sinks developed a BIG leak, and we turned off the water pipes leading to it, and just used the other sink. According to The Tim anytime we would discuss it, we were going to replace things "soon." 

Now you can guess where this is heading. At the end of last week, the remaining sink developed a big drip. The Tim tried to fix it, but the faucet fixture broke apart due to age. So he bought a new fixture, and found a plumber who could come on fairly short notice. Except that when the plumber pulled out the old fixture, it had been jerry-rigged into the sink by the house's former owners, and the new fixture couldn't go into it. So at a minimum, we would have to have the sink torn out and replaced. After some back and forth, The Tim finally agreed that it was just easier to get rid of all of it and get a new vanity, new fixtures, new floor, etc. 

Which of course happened right in the throes of too much expensive dental work happening in my mouth which our dental insurance barely helps to cover. Because as the saying goes, when it rains it pours.

I do have to say though that although it's annoying, this is typical of how things go. The Tim will quickly acknowledge a problem, I will bug him about it consistently, and then a crisis comes along and things finally get resolved. Sigh.

But hopefully soon we'll have a fully-functioning main bathroom and then we can go to the next disaster (and at the current time, there are two waiting to happen. Stay tuned!).

Yesterday when I was at a therapy appointment, I took a photo of this orchid in the office that had bloomed:

I am not an orchid expert by any means, and have never even attempted to keep one alive. The office there has A LOT of orchids in a big window that gets nice amounts of light, but this is the only one like this - look at the little openings in the one section. I think they are not only pretty, but really fascinating. I posted this photo on Instagram, and Dee identified it as a phalaenopsis orchid, and said it's a typical thing. (It's nice to have a friend who knows about orchids, you know?) She said she has a few mini versions that are blooming, and they are so small, you can hardly see the openings. So amazing, right??

And those are the big things that I wanted to catch up with you about in this post. I have some knitting to show in the next few posts, one that has been in progress for a while, and one FO that just started and finished in record time (well, for me at least). Tomorrow we are celebrating Milo the Koodle's birthday, and Sunday is my weekend shift at the yarn store. The weather is supposed to be messy over the next few days, so it will be good knitting and reading time.

I hope you have a good weekend, whatever is happening at your house. I'll see you next week.


Dee said...

Happy birthday to Milo! Hope he has a very special day planned.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh, the joys of living in an old house. Not only do you get to fix things, you get to fix oddly made things. We ran into a crazy pipe issue in our kitchen because someone before us used just random bits of pipe to drain the sink.

Always an adventure! LOL

Karen in PA said...

We are having bathroom renovations too — what a mess! And yes, extra complicated because it’s an old house and had previous bad do-it-yourself renovations. I feel your pain. everything upstairs is covered in a fine layer of dust/grit that will have to be wiped down. Luckily we have a functional bathroom on the first floor. I am pretty sure I’ll love it when it’s done, though, and I hope you will love your “new” room as well!

Kim in Oregon said...

I do hope the refresh of the bathroom goes easily. That's not fun but it must be done!

Some friends gave me an orchid almost two years ago and promised me I would not be able to kill it. They were right. I give it one or two icecubes every Saturday and it is doing really well!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Love to see all the kitties piled on the bed.
I doesn't happen often here, but when it does, it's just the cutest thing.

I feel you on the bathroom - everything we do here ends up being bigger and more expensive than planned.

We just had a guy in to measure the windows and I'm waiting for that quote to come back - I'm a little afraid

KSD said...

Hello there to you, too.

Yeah, I sort of push stuff that isn't almost life or death aside. Getting some new stuff is kind of cool, though.

Enjoy your weekend!

Araignee said...

Your bathroom photo gave me goosebumps. We are just finishing our second bathroom re-do in a row and I am out of gas. I seriously have lost the will to live. We should be finished today if all goes well-but it won't. It never does.

Kym said...

Oh . . . bathrooms. They can quickly become an "If You Give a Mouse A Cookie" situation (children's book . . . where one thing leads to another). Our bathroom reno situation started with a leak in our shower . . . and soon we were replacing more and more and more things. We have a nice bathroom now, but projects do have a way of snowballing! (But NEW SINK! Yay.) I hope Milo enjoyed his special day. XO