30 March 2023

The End Is Nigh!

No, not the end of the world (though there are days I'm not so sure about that), but the end of the cardigan I have been knitting for what seems like an eternity.

The blob above is my start on the button and neck bands - there are no buttons on this sweater, so I can just knit and not worry about needing to place the buttonholes.

Below, you can see the some of the miles of garter stitch that used short rows to create the collar. (Also, look how different the color of the yarn looks from one photo to the other. The color in person is actually a bit darker than either one.)

Tomorrow is the last day of March. I set myself a deadline to have the knitting finished and the ends woven in by the end of March, and if things had gone according to my original estimate, this would have already been finished. But that was not to be, so I'm finishing it today and tomorrow. I have absolutely no idea how long it will take to dry when I block it, but I'm hoping that there will be at least one or two more cool spring days when I can wear it long enough to get some photos. 

And yes, it will be wonderful to have this project finally off the needles. Especially since I decided that I would NOT cast on another single thing until this sucker was done. And I'm dying to cast on a new project ... or two ... or ... well, you get the idea. 😉


Kim in Oregon said...

Wow congratulations on the finish and on meeting your deadline (I'm optimistically assuming that will happen). Also I love your dogwood (is it a dogwood?) photo!

KSD said...

It's a wonderfully teal/turquoise blob. Good work unblobbing it!

Araignee said...

There's nothing like setting a deadline to get stuff done. That's going to a great looking cardi.