28 August 2020

I Have a QO to Show You!

Happy last Friday in August - though I realize it's not the same as most Augusts are.  But still time goes right along, and it seems only right to mark it.  Because I have a Zoom meeting at 1:00 today that I know will only make me angry, I thought I'd use this time to write a happy post.  That way, I can be in a good frame of mind before it starts, and spend the afternoon knitting away my anger and aggravation.  

And so, I wanted to share my QO with you.  You may think, "What in the ever-loving universe is a QO???"  My response to you is, that *this* is a QO:

Then you will say, "But Bridget, that looks like a hat, and like it's an FO."  Which means that yes, you are quite observant, but then again, not quite.  Because although this particular piece may be a Finished Object in and of itself, it is only 1/4 - a Quarter - of an overall planned project.  Hence, the term QO = Quarter Object.

This is a hat for Keith, who is married to my niece Julie.  I decided a couple of weeks ago that I am making the same hat for everyone in the family for Christmas, which then became the KJPO Hat Project.  Above you see the K hat.  I am using the Olmsted Hat pattern by Jaclyn Salem.  I have already used that pattern to make a hat for The Tim, which he really likes and wears a lot in the cold weather.  It uses DK weight yarn, so for me, it was a perfect chance to use some stash!  This one used two strands of sock yarn knit together.  I used some leftover Hedgehog Sock in the Construct colorway for all of it; the brim which looks gold and blue is leftover (and now completely used up - YAY - Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in the Spats colorway; and, the bulk of the rest is Ancient Arts Fibre Crafts sock yarn in the Grey Tabby colorway.  I like how the brim turned out, though I must admit it was as much dumb luck as anything else, because I didn't really do a lot of planning - just grabbed and started knitting.  I followed the pattern exactly as written, and again have to say, it's a great pattern and makes a nice, squishy hat.

This took me about a week to knit, though in fits and spurts.  I'd get a lot done one day, and then not knit at all the next.  So this is all definitely doable.

And now?  I'm working on the next one in the group, which is the P hat.  I've adapted the stitch count for a kid's size, based on other kid-sized hat patterns I've seen.  As you know, baby and child knits go so quickly, I'm just moving right along on that one!  I want to try and get all four of them done before I move on to any other gifts for anyone else.  That way, at least one group will have handknit gifts this year. 😉

I'm feeling pleased with myself this morning because I have been able to get a few things accomplished - got a flu shot and the first part of my shingles vaccine, took a LOT of old but still in good shape towels and dropped them off at the vet's office where they were much appreciated, and I'm almost finished with the laundry.  Always a good feeling to check things off the list for the day.  We have no particular plans this weekend.  Tomorrow it is supposed to rain the entire day, pretty steadily, so it will be a day of inside projects.  Sunday promises to be lovely, and so The Tim is thinking maybe we can take Hamlet to one of the large parks nearby where we can all walk around and not have to worry about crowds.  I hope we can do that, it would be a real treat.  

And that's all of the excitement from my life.  I hope all of you have a nice weekend and get in some time to do the things you really enjoy.  See you next week!


Alison said...

In NZ FO and PO mean you are not very pleased with the person you are directing the comments to and wish them out of your space. Funny how culturally we are all different.

Hope the meeting was productive in the knitting sense.and you didn't grind off too much teeth enamel.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Excellent QO

Nance said...

That is a good-looking hat. I really need to think about any possible Xmas knitting. Perhaps that would restore my knitting mojo.

You had a very productive morning. I'm a scaredy-cat about getting the shingles vaccine. I had chicken pox as a 15 year old, and I got them severely. I am concerned that I'll be the rare case wherein the vaccine causes an outbreak.

Here's hoping you have another QO to show us soon!

steph said...

I wish some of your holiday knitting momentum could come crashing my way....not a thing on the needles for gift knitting, not a thing that I'm crazy about knitting....thinking my mojo may have come down with something. Hoping it's not the dreaded virus!!!

Hope you get out to do that wonderful walk in the park. Bound to life the spirits!!!! Stay safe!

Araignee said...

Congrats on the QO! It is a very nice hat. I need to go put one on right now as between the AC and Laura sitting on top of us I've got one monster of a headache and hats really help.

Meredith said...

Love the hat and the QO. Have a wonderful day getting things done in the rain and a beautiful walk tomorrow.

KSD said...

Excellent labor-saving idea with the hats. Good luck with the other 3/4.

Vera said...

The hat turned out great! Saturday's weather wasn't too bad, was it? And Sunday was absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Hope you all got to a park and enjoyed being outside!

Kym said...

What a great plan, Bridget! Love the QO!
I hope your weekend was a pleasant one, and that you were able to get out and enjoy some time outside.

kathy b said...

being able to cross those things off a list is great!!!! I better get my flu shot! Im all set with shingles vaccines. You are way ahead on the Holiday gift situation!

karen said...

I take my old towels to the vet office as well. They get great use when there are emergencies and such. I am hoping to get the flu shot next week. I made four same hats for the kids last year and enjoyed doing that. Now I am making them each a pair of socks, let's see if I stick to it or bail.