04 August 2020

Stitching and Reading and [Probably] Getting Wet

I haven't had a chance to join in on Tiny Needle Tuesday for a while, so I'm glad I can write a post for it today.

Right now, I'm waiting to go to work in the midst of tropical storming.  The Tim has been kind enough to say he would give me a ride, so I'm kinda sorta relieved about that.  It will be interesting to see how things are, and not just related to the storm.  To paraphrase Dorothy Parker, I don't know much about being retired, but I bet I'd be darling at it.  😀

Oh well.

Anyway, over the weekend I finally got my stitching project that I talked about recently underway, and really had a good time with it.  Here's what I was able to accomplish on my Stitchy Saturday:

Not bad for a couple of hours!  I realized once it was done that the start of the little book on the top was off kilter by one row.  I briefly considered ripping it out (very briefly), but then decided it was fine; after all, I'm a little bit off kilter myself!

Yesterday, I started my latest book:

I know a group was reading this for the online book club, and thought it sounded interesting.  I have only made it to the fourth chapter or so, and right now, I'm on the fence about it.  I'm going to read a bit more and if I don't like the characters any more than I do so far, it will be time to move on to something else.

And that's it from me for today.  I hope if you are anywhere in the path of Tropical Storm Isaias, you will be safe and not suffer any damage to your property.  At least around here, it's only supposed to hang on for today.  

OK, time to get my stuff together and put my mask on.  See you again soon!


Vera said...

Good luck with work re-entry!! I read Wild Game, but did not enjoy....

Araignee said...

I'm sitting in the basement as I write this dodging a tornado that came in over the bay this morning. Thank goodness we still have the lights on but it's getting pretty sketchy. I HATE tornadoes. I still have Wizard of Oz PTSD lol.
Goodness....can 2020 get any worse?

steph said...

the suspense is killing me...what book are you reading? the post only showed a tiny '?' !!! I like the start to the project....will you frame it when it's finished? I never know what to do with finished embroidery things...other than to put them in a drawer!!!

Kym said...

I like the direction your tiny needle is heading in! :-)
Stay dry and safe. XO

Nance said...

I watched the national news and saw that the Philly area was in for it. I hope you guys are okay and don't get too much scary weather.

Good luck with your Work Re-Entry. That's tough.

(And I can't tell your project isn't perfect. Not one bit.)

AsKatKnits said...

I like your stitching, I hope you stayed dry! Sadly, I bailed on Wild Game.

kathy b said...

seems a lot of you got hit somewhat hard by that storm! Now , quick, back to summer!