23 September 2021

First Full Day of Fall - YAY!!!


I wish this photo was mine, but alas it is not and I could not find any credit for it.  So if you know, please inform me so that I can give the credit below.  But is it not a wonderful depiction of fall?  Leaves, pumpkin, candle, walnuts, and KNITS!  

Thanks to everyone who enjoyed a walk down memory lane with me and commented - I was glad to know that so many of you enjoy that song as much as I do.  😊

Back to fall, which is just the best.  This is the time of year when cozy/hygge/comfort starts to really settle into my brain and my person.  So I thought maybe I would write a Three on Thursday post and let you know Three Things That Fall Means, at least in my universe.

1.  This is not cozy, does not involve food or drink, but it is perhaps the most practical, everyday thing that fall means to me that actually brings me real joy:  the start of cooler weather.  Which means that going forward, it might actually get cold enough long enough to KILL OFF THE MOSQUITOES!!  Praise the Lord!  As someone who is clearly listed as a five-star meal in the mosquito version of the Zagat diners' guide, the elimination of mosquitoes is something that brings me joy and makes an actual difference in my everyday existence.  

2.  Dryness.  Once fall arrives, unless I have been exercising, I can spend an entire day being dry, rather than walk around looking and feeling (without the benefits of) as if I just took a shower.  And I don't know about you, but I prefer feeling dry to feeling sweaty and damp.  Personally, I can always find a way to warm up, but at a certain point of being hot, there is no chance of actually cooling off for me.  So the arrival of fall gives me hope that the exhaustion of heat and/or humidity is soon to be on its way somewhere else, hopefully to someone who actually enjoys it.  I do ask myself often why I have to be alive during global warming, but at least at the moment, there are still actual seasons to be had and experienced.

3.  Early darkness.  Now I know this one is even less popular than my desire to avoid summer, but I'm being honest here.  I LOVE that in the fall, it starts to get dark early.  I love walking home from work, or walking the dog and being able to peek into house windows to see a glimpse of people's lives.  It always looks cozy. Plus, all of the street lights, twinkle lights in windows, candles, etc., are so much easier to see and enjoy.  To me, it's a sign cozy times have arrived.  Of course the funny thing is that I dearly love looking into others' houses, and get mad if they have curtains or blinds drawn; but of course *I* don't want people looking into MY house!  (They can't anyway, due to the way our house is, but you know what I mean.)  😀  Double Standards R Me, apparently.

So there you go.  Yes, I do enjoy the things that others enjoy about fall - food, drinks, decorations, holidays, etc. - but these three things are ones that I know others may not appreciate like I do, so I thought I'd share.

In any case, I hope the fall season is good to you, take care!


Wanderingcatstudio said...

Agree on the temp thing - it's always easier to warm up. I'm always hearing from my girlfriends how they fight with their significant other over the thermostat. Dave likes it much cooler than me, but I don't fight, I just put on a sweater! The only time I put my foot down is when he tries to put it at 65 or lower. That's usually just after he's come in from the heat or doing something active - I have to remind him the house is cool enough - he just needs to give his body a chance to rest and reset. It's not instantaneous. If he's especially whiny about it, I put a fan in front of him.

I'm not big fan of the early darkness though. I don't hate it, and it doesn't make me depressed, but I do love longer days. I think it's because I'm not an early riser, and when it gets dark earlier, I feel like the day is going too fast.

Dee said...

I am ALL about #3. I love Eastern Standard Time and I know that puts me in the minority. But, I'm okay with that.

I like the crock pot suppers and the oven roasts that are so much nicer in the fall. I know you can make them in the summer, but the oven heats up the kitchen too much for that. And crock pot meals just scream Fall and Winter.

Araignee said...

I agree with all three. I HATE mosquitoes. They keep me a prisoner inside all summer. I hate humidity. It makes everything stink. I love it being dark after dinner so I can just flop on the couch and not feel like I should be doing something else.

Vera said...

I just LOVE Fall. I enjoy the early darkness because I like to have dinner by candlelight. Cozy and warm - that's Fall!

Kym said...

I love summer (as you know), but I also deeply appreciate fall! :-) I like the cozy feeling of fall -- the earlier sunsets, the cooler weather, the colors. It's a great time of year! (And Tom is TOTAL mosquito-bait, so we're always happy to see them go. In fact, Tom is SO tasty to the mosquitos that they - mostly - leave me completely alone. He's the best "bug-spray" around. . . )