06 December 2021

All Wrapped Up!

I was busy over the weekend, but it was all good.  I just wish I had an extra day or two, so that I could have some time to do nothing.  But I wish that every Monday ...

The main thing I was able to do was to finish getting all of the gifts wrapped that need to be mailed to their respective recipients.  

 I have to say that I was especially happy with how the nieces' birthday gifts turned out - just as I had imagined.  

Here is the package that contains Greg's Musselburgh Hat. When he first opens the box, this is what he'll see:

Then, once he moves the tissue paper out of the way, he'll see what it really is. 😄

I'm way more amused by this than I should be.

Now that packages are wrapped, I can concentrate on really enjoying the decorating.  I did a little bit over the weekend, but I never feel like I can really enjoy it until I know that packages are ready to go.  Of course, in a Bridget-centric world, there would be time off granted durong the holidays *specifically* for putting up decorations ...

Let's hope this coming week treats us well.  We all deserve it.

P.S., particularly to Meredith MC who commented yesterday about the yellow-colored print on my blog, and how hard it was to read.  I have to apologize - I had no idea that I had changed the type color in the posts!  Thanks for letting me know.  I have a feeling that when I was changing the header, and the color of the type in the header, I inadvertently made that change to the posts text.  I know I would have discovered it when I went to preview this post, but the sooner it could be fixed, the better, so again, sorry to anyone who thought they were going blind, and thank you so much to Meredith MC for pointing it out right away!



Araignee said...

What sweet little packages! I haven't even bought one single gift yet this year. I need to do something about that.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

I feel you on needing another day each weekend. Work has been a bear the past two weeks. I wanted to do some sewing, but with work so busy, I had to leave all the "unfun" household tasks to the weekend. By the time I got them all done, I was too tired for sewing!

Nance said...

It's so difficult to prepare for the holidays whilst working. How well I remember.

But you are managing beautifully, and your gifts are proof.

Kim in Oregon said...

Lovely lovely packages!

karen said...

I mailed my kid's stuff out and only have to wrap my own and my immediate family so not very much. I'm decorated but I'm still knitting some gifts. I am ready to be done with that!!

KSD said...

The whole hat thing still makes me smile.

Dee said...

Glad the "chore" work is out of the way. On to the FUN STUFF!