12 March 2021

Friday Funnies - A Year Later Edition

Remember when we were all so innocent that when things closed down, we thought it would just be "a little while?"  I remember a year ago tomorrow, March 13, we were called into a last-minute meeting at work to say that we were being sent home due to Covid-19 rates rising, and we would be quarantined "for at least a couple of weeks, but maybe as long as July."  And I can remember thinking that being quarantined until July just sounded like crazy talk!  

Mona Lisa understands.

Oh yeah.  😏

Have a good weekend, and remember that hope is actually on the horizon.  Finally, the light is coming closer!


steph said...

Leave it to MOna Lisa to summarize the whole year! Love it!!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Lol. Too funny!
A year certainly did pass quickly. Though I've said all along - I was made for a pandemic! I already worked from home, and I'm totally anti-social so I'm one of the few who's not really been bothered by any of this. The only thing that annoys me is having to wear a mask. I do it, without complaint, because I understand it does help, even it's not 100%, but I will admit... I hate it. And I look forward to not having to wear it all the time.
Vaccines are finally starting to get to seniors outside of care homes now. Maybe by the end of summer we'll have a new "normal" that includes no masks.

Ellen D. said...

You are exactly right! We never imagined how crazy it would become. I like your Mona Lisa Friday funny! Perfect!

Araignee said...

It's like looking in a mirror! I did just shed my pandemic pounds and feel so much better. Now I have to figure out what to do with all these boxes of cake mixes and other terrible foods I accumulated during my food anxiety phase. So much of it has expired. I need to do a purge.

Nance said...

I do feel more hopeful, especially after my vaccine and some sunnier weather for a stretch.

It has been a long slog, though.

Meredith said...

I remember starting spring break and then hearing we would be out of school and extra week, well that was hysterical because we were out the rest of the school year. That Mona Lisa cartoon is the best! Stay safe.

Caffeine Girl said...

That is hilarious! And so true.

kathy b said...

I need the encrouagement! The weather has gone cold and there will be more snow....it helped when the weather was warmish last week. No matter! More and more people are vaccinated. That is inspiring every day.