26 May 2022
End of May, See You in June
25 May 2022
No End In Sight
France, a wheel of ripened brie.
Greece, a short, squat olive tree.
America is a gun.
Argentina, Maradona's hand.
Germany, an oompah band.
America is a gun.
Holland is a wooden shoe.
Hungary, a goulash stew.
Australia, a kangaroo.
America is a gun.
Japan is a thermal spring.
Scotland is a highland fling.
Oh, better to be anything
than America as a gun.
24 May 2022
FO Post: Well That Took a Long Time!
23 May 2022
Monday Random-nosity
20 May 2022
Five Favorites for This Friday
It's been a really long time since I've done one of these posts, so I thought I would go ahead and tell you five things from this week that were good.
1. A woman who I follow on Facebook posted this cartoon, and it made me laugh really hard because, well, look for yourself (clicking on it should open it to be more readable):
19 May 2022
Celebrity Sighting
This morning, I walked through Rittenhouse Square, and up 19th Street, towards La Colombe, a very popular coffee place in Philadelphia. Right when I was at the door to the place, it opened, and someone came out ... it was James McAvoy! I was so surprised, I said "Oh hi!" and he smiled and said, "'Morning, love."
Of course, I wanted to find out why he was in town. So I checked his IMDB page (linked above) and didn't see anything so it was time to turn to Dr. Google. It turns out the he recently married a woman from Philadelphia, and considers the city to be "his second home." They met while he was filming a movie for M. Night Shyamalan (known in our house as "M Knight Shama-lama-ding-dong"), who is from here and shoots a lot of his movies in the city and the nearby areas.
(Now, the limited exchange I had with Mr. McAvoy is light years better than the time I ran into Robert McNamara (one of the architects of the Vietnam War, ugh) when we lived in DC. He was walking towards me on the street, and I recognized him. We had recently moved there, and he was the first famous (infamous?) person I'd spotted. I went up to him and said, "Aren't you Robert McNamara?" and he smiled and said, "Yes," and then I excitedly said "I'm Bridget Clancy!" - you know, like he'd recognize that name. Instead, he just walked away with a concerned look on his face.)
Anyhoo, back to James McAvoy and his wife. Now that I know more, I need answers to the MOST important questions:
1. Where exactly do they live - are we neighbors?
2. Do they have pets?
3. Do either/both of them knit?
I'll let you know if my investigations bear fruit. 😉
16 May 2022
A Leisurely Friday Stroll Through the Neighborhood
13 May 2022
Friday the 13th
True - why wouldn't you pet a black cat - or any cat - if it will let you??? For the record, during my life I've had three black cats and they were anything but unlucky. 😊
So Happy Friday the 13th to everyone, and happy Friday if you don't like cats (but seriously???). As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I took today off. It was kind of a last-minute decision, but a good one. Also, I realized that if I don't start taking some days, I'll lose them when the fiscal year ends on June 30. Of course, a lot of that is because it's hard to get the time off approved, which is a whole other situation. It was lovely to sleep a bit later this morning and know that I have the day to myself.
I was thinking yesterday and last night about what I might do today. I have put a load of winter things in the washing machine so I can put them away nice and clean until next year. And as I'm sure is the case with most people, there are a ton of things I *could* do, but that is not a guarantee that I *will* do them.
12 May 2022
Ha, Ha, Huh?
Thursday - for me, my last workday of the week. Suddenly on Tuesday afternoon, I decided I was taking off Friday, and since no one was around to say NO, it became a plan!
Today I'm joining Carole and others for Three on Thursday - I have two amusing things and one thing that I had never really thought about that kinda surprised me.
1. This amused me because sometimes I think if one more person tells me about an app I will scream!
10 May 2022
Small Things
Hi all. I hope everyone is doing well, or at least as well as you can be doing. This is not an easy time to keep your chin up, with so much happening all at once to try and stomp down any little bits of happy and/or contentment you may feel.
I have been feeling quite bereft lately, not just for myself (which I am prone to, unfortunately, whether or not it's really real), but for the world at large. Election crap, Putin's determination to ruin Ukraine, climate change, almost all of the -isms and -ogyny are at an all time high, abortion rights, guns, guns, guns being the answer to everything. For me, there are times when even though a lot of it has been ongoing, it all seems to be a punch to the gut and it's hard to not just stay a little positive, but to feel that anything you are trying to do to help is not even worth it anymore.
Sometimes there is nothing that can really help me feel better, no matter what I try or how others try to help. But other times, small things can at least make me smile and even give me a genuine laugh and so for those few minutes, things are better.
Two examples from recent days:
Saturday was the Kentucky Derby. Growing up, we *always* watched it on TV, as my parents were die-hard fans of horse racing. When they would go to the track in person (usually we went as a family), we always hoped my dad's horse would win, because if he won, he would generally give us a share of his bounty. But my mother had two hard and fast rules about horse races: 1) ALWAYS bet on a gray horse, and 2) always bet on the long shot, because "you never know what might happen." Even if she placed a bet on another horse more likely to win, she would also always place a $2.00 bet on a gray horse and/or a long shot. Which of course my father thought was ridiculous.
Anyway, this year a long shot horse came from behind - last, actually - to win the whole thing! The odds were 80-1, meaning that my mother would have come away with her $2 bet yielding $160.00 and some change. This pleases me even now, thinking about it. Along with the comment she would likely make to the effect of "Shows what your father knows." Even if it happened once every 5 years, she would make sure to point out that my father was not always the expert he thought he was ... 😏
The second thing making me smile arrived in the mail yesterday:
05 May 2022
Oh the Hilarity!

03 May 2022
Fun-Times In Bill-Paying (Not)
Hello everyone - I hope you had a good weekend, and a not-completely-terrible Monday. We had a great weekend, I'll share some photos later. Even the weather cooperated, which made it extra nice. I already mentioned that I took Friday and Monday off work, so yesterday was a day to catch up on laundry and pay bills, since I got paid on Friday.
Me yesterday after finishing the bills: